Inside Edition

Letter to Bill O'Reilly: JFK Truth versus 9/11 Truth; the Disparity

I submitted this e-mail to Bill O'Reilly. I want to credit Altruist, Dem Bruce Lee and JJJames for a few quotes of theirs I paraphrased from the comments section. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Hi Bill!

In 1990, when I was in sixth grade in Cincinnati, I first became drawn into watching news and following current events. Every single day after school and music lessons I would watch: News 5 at 5:30/6:00 with Jerry Springer. (Gotta love it, eh.) Then Tom Brokaw. Then, Inside Edition, with Bill O'Reilly. "We give you something to think about."

Boy, did I love watching you every single night before starting up on my math homework, Bill. Your charisma and flair for reporting passionately about con-artists, murderers and rapists, and topics of controversy truly made me a fan of yours. In those days you were 60 Minutes' only competition!

Back then, you were quite a hard-hitting reporter:

Bill O'Reilly Is a JFK Truther - (He must really hate his Country!)

Bill O'Reilly, when he was on Inside Edition, reports on Oswald's association with the CIA.

Gee Bill, here you are spouting a conspiracy theory! That's unamerican. Why do you hate this country, you two-faced hypocrite?

I'm not saying that you should be fired. I'm saying that Fox News has a BIG problem.

Just when was it that you turned to the dark side?