
Bill Maher Interrupted in Real Time Overtime while Pushing Big Lie

A couple weeks ago, I attended a Real Time w/ Bill Maher taping with a fellow 9-11 Truther from Southern California. Maher's guests were Rep. Rahm Emanuel, Michael Eric Dyson and Pete Hamill. I could not keep my opinions to myself, especially with Rahm Emanuel mincing words about very important issues. So I shouted out a few times. I guess it got to Maher since it reached a crescendo during the Overtime segment. Right after he mentioned the overwhelming Saudi make-up of the 9-11 hijackers, I yelled out "Patsies." At this point he called me a "loudmouth asshole" and told security to shut me up. While security was talking to me, he said he would come down and kick my ass if he had to, eliciting audience applause. I wish had heard that at the time since I would have told him to debate me instead. It's agreed also that next time, the words "Don't tazer me bro!" might be apppropriate and disarming. Check it out here. It gets going @ about 2:30 into it.