investigate building 7

Failure to Report : A Panel Discussion Among Journalists 3/26/11

Investigate Building 7 : A Call to Reexamine the Most Important Event of Our Time. March 26 2011, University of Hartford, Ct

Failure to Report : A Panel Discussion Among Journalists

Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at NYU
Leslie Griffith, Journalist
Craig Unger, Author
Dick Russell, Author

This panel will address the US media's tendency to look away from major stories of all kinds by dismissing them as mere "conspiracy theories." First will be a discussion the press's silence on the strange collapse of Building 7, and the panelists will move on from there to discuss other mysteries or scandals that, although they merit serious investigation, are either laughed off or ignored. Among these forbidden stories are the "OctoberSurprise"of1980, the fate of TWA Fligh t800,the CIA's reported drug dealing in America's innercities, theOklahoma City bombing and the epidemic of widespread election fraud since 2000.

(Full Version, HD)

Full Audio : Investigate Building 7 Conference in West Hartford CT, March 26 2011

Investigate Building 7 conference audio is online here:

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A huge thanks to John Schwenk for posting this and for mastering all of the audio feeds at the event.