
New York Times: "Ahmadinejad Calls 9/11 ‘A Big Fabrication"

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Ahmadinejad Calls 9/11 ‘A Big Fabrication’

Perhaps concerned that his repeated suggestions that the Holocaust might not have happened have become less shocking over time, Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad upped the ante on Saturday, telling intelligence officials in Tehran that the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 was staged.

Hitler’s “Big Lie” reborn: US lies for war with Iran bigger, more Orwellian than war lies with Iraq

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The American public is being played; duped into one unlawful War of Aggression after another. The criminal perpetrator of these war lies is a controlling faction of our own government. The evidence in this article will prove beyond any doubt that “war lies” is the accurate term; lies in Orwellian opposite of the verifiable facts, lies that cannot be reasonably construed as misinterpretations or well-intended mistakes.

These are what political historians reference as “Big Lies;” so massive and evil that ordinary citizens initially reject the objective evidence because they can’t imagine their leadership being literal psychopaths. Big Lies evoke sufficient cognitive dissonance for the public to embrace the Big Lie…but only for a time.

That time, now, is over.

“In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."

US sponsors terrorists to overthrow Iran’s government again? Evidence suggests it’s true

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Abdolmalek Rigi, leader of the assassination/terrorist group, Jundallah, was announced as captured by Iran’s government on February 23, 2010. Iran televised Mr. Rigi making a statement that the US government funds Jundallah, provides weapons, and assists with logistical management.

Such testimony should be viewed skeptically, as Mr. Rigi’s honesty could certainly be compromised while a prisoner. However, the most important circumstantial evidence and history corroborate the conclusion that the US is engaged in state-sponsored terrorism to overthrow Iran’s government.

Let’s consider this evidence (additional documentation and summaries here, here, and here):

1.Jundallah’s history of assassinations is not refuted, yet the US does not list this group as “terrorist.” This is a curious detail.
2.The US passed the “Iran Freedom and Support Act” in 2006 to fund groups working to overthrow Iran’s government.

Paul Craig Roberts: US pushing for nuclear war; “leadership” treasonous for duping US into wars

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“The morons in Washington are pushing the envelope of nuclear war. The insane drive for American hegemony threatens life on earth. The American people, by accepting the lies and deceptions of "their" government, are facilitating this outcome.”

“Some other agenda is being served that we are not being told.” – Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts is one of the most respected conservative voices in the nation. He is the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

His latest article, “Road to Armageddon,” details the threat that unlawful US foreign policy is rapidly escalating into a climate to initiate World War III. Four paragraphs from his article:

Military ready to refuse unlawful war orders? US public: 9 to 1 ratio say govt “unrepresentative”

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What can we conclude when our government tyrants threaten war with Iran because the tyrants refuse to sell Iran 1 gram of medical isotopes worth $75,000, and contrive Iran’s legal production of isotopes for nearly one million human beings’ medical procedures as a cause for war?

There are a few rational conclusions:
1.Tell the truth about what’s right in front of us with powerful factual accuracy.
2.Refuse cooperation with evil, and those with arrest powers to exercise them for those who issue unlawful orders.
3.Respectfully ask for the tyrants to surrender power.
4.Offer a choice to the tyrants to either gracefully accept a Truth and Reconciliation process to confess all crimes and return all stolen assets, or face criminal and civil prosecution.

Our military, law enforcement, and government leaders must take a leading role as they have the big guns and can cause political exposure and enforcement of “emperor has no clothes” obvious crimes.

US Military to refuse unlawful orders? US refuses Iran 1 gram of isotopes worth $75K; prefers war

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The yearly need of Iran for life-saving medical isotopes is less than one gram and costs Iran $75,000 to refine the fuel. Iran has stated they would prefer to buy the isotopes rather than produce them. The US could resolve the threat of war with Iran if President Obama made a speech today saying the US will allow Iran to produce it themselves under inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a legal right guaranteed by treaty among nations including the US and Iran, or by the US selling Iran the isotopes.

The US refusal to do so and the US corporate media to not report this simple solution is revealing of a sinful and deadly war agenda that follows the propaganda path that led to unlawful war with Afghanistan and Iraq. The propaganda is tragic-comic: all we have for peace is one "anonymous" report with a misleading headline to psychopathically appear the US is taking peaceful action with no substantiation.

Iran again asks to buy, swap nuclear fuel for patients; US rejects peace and life; hell-bent for war

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Iran will run-out of medical isotopes within a month; leaving nearly 850,000 patients without a critical tool for their diagnosis and treatment. Iran’s government repeated their request to buy or swap fuel (previous acceptance here), even though they are legally authorized to produce their own. The US-proposed delay for Iran to receive the enriched fuel after a wait of up to one year would kill Iranians in need of the treatment.

You would think that a Nobel Peace Prize winning President would jump at this opportunity to save people’s lives and ensure peace by accepting either option the Iranian government has peacefully offered.

But instead, Mr. Obama sent his minions to reject Iran. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs:

"Time and patience is running out,” Iran will face “consequences,” and “they have no interest in building international confidence that their nuclear program is for peaceful means.”

Assistant Secretary of State Philip J. Crowley:

US wouldn’t kill our own citizens, blame Iran, and start a war! Oh? FBI allowed ’93 WTC bombing

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We know that the US “leadership” and corporate media are lying for war with Iran with their two principle reasons:

1.Anyone who spends five minutes can verify that Iran’s President Ahmadinejad never threatened to attack or destroy Israel. The content and context of his October 2005 speech is in support of Palestinian equal treatment under the law from Israel and compares the Israeli government to former repressive regimes in Iran, the USSR, and Iraq that were all replaced. I challenge anyone to summarize the paragraph in question and rationally conclude any physical threat to Israel. The implications of this fact are world-changing: the proof of Orwellian lies for war with Iran by criminal conspiracy between both political parties’ management and corporate media is beyond any doubt.

IAEA report: zero evidence of Iran nukes. US Orwellian corporate war media: Iran building nukes?

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The good news is corporate media war propaganda is so easy to reveal and crush. Today’s version of CIA Operation Mockingbird, the US Senate Church Committee disclosure of over 400 CIA operatives within US corporate media to propagandize for war policies, is escalating their paper-thin lies of omission and commission to manipulate America into war with Iran.

The great news is millions of Americans recognize corporate media lies; especially after the confirmed lies they viciously and endlessly repeated for wars with Afghanistan and Iraq. Millions also authoritatively understand these wars are clearly unlawful (and here).

Obama Press Secretary threatens US attack of Iran. US military: when will you expose these war lies?

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The US war emperors have no clothes. Iran never threatened to destroy Israel. Iran is in full compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), including their use of nuclear medicine with isotopes. It was the US who initiated the UN Charter that limits war to the narrowest use of self-defense only, almost identical in law to the limits for you or me as individuals.

When will leadership emerge from the US military and/or US government to speak these truths that are objective facts for anyone and everyone to verify?

US military is trained to refuse unlawful orders for War Crimes, but not trained in the broader context of recognizing and refusing an unlawful war. It’s time for our military to stand for their declaration of brotherhood and halt further slaughter and misery, to honor their Oath of Enlistment to the US Constitution; to recognize as the late Pat Tillman: “These wars are so fu*king illegal,” and to end them now.

Iran’s 20% uranium for hospitals is legal; Obama lies and pimps to attack Iran just like Bush

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The Non-Proliferation Treaty, initiated by the United States, is clear:

Article IV: 1. Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the Parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I and II of this Treaty.

Abraham Lincoln: pre-emptive wars (Iraq, Iran) are lies, “war at pleasure,” impoverish the US

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In our third consideration of Abraham Lincoln’s wisdom applied to current US wars (first and second):

A letter to his law partner:

Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose, and you allow him to make war at pleasure. Study to see if you can fix any limit to his power in this respect, after having given him so much as you propose. If to-day he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, — "I see no probability of the British invading us"; but he will say to you, "Be silent: I see it, if you don't."

Unlawful war on Iran is treason; it levies war against the US, our military, and our Constitution

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Causing unlawful war upon the US is an attack upon our nation, consistent with US Constitution Article III Section 3:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Causing war against the US is so egregious, it’s the only crime the Founders defined in the Constitution. An unlawful war is the supreme act of betrayal against our military, and a violent overthrow of the US government as we know it by our Constitution. It replaces American limited government under law with unchecked fascism.

The heart of this charge of treason is whether war with Iran would be obviously unlawful or open to a lawful interpretation. Understanding the arguments for war with Iran and the rules of war quickly get to the heart of this crucial issue.

The current two areas of rhetoric for war with Iran are obviously unlawful grounds because they are provable lies:

US plans "terrorist" attack to kill Americans, blame Iran, and begin another "false flag" US war

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In November I documented current and historical evidence that the US “leadership” was considering “false flag” attack plans to kill Americans, plant evidence to blame Iran, and then launch a “defensive” attack upon Iran.

Former National Security Advisor and founding member of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski, warned the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2007 of a false flag attack to begin war with Iran. He described a "plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran," which would include "some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the US blamed on Iran, culminating in a ‘defensive’ US military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

Iran again offers to halt uranium enrichment for fuel swap; why won’t US and Obama declare peace?

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Will Nobel Peace Prize winner President Obama declare peace with Iran upon their second acceptance of a nuclear fuel exchange program? Will the US corporate media headline this resolution? Will “leadership” of both US political parties announce peaceful victory?

The answer to all three is no. What will happen over the next few days and weeks is government pronouncement that this offer is unacceptable; that Iran must surrender nuclear material in exchange for a promise to receive fuel a year or so in the future from France, in direct violation of Iran’s right to an international-inspected nuclear energy program. What corporate media will not mention is France already owes Iran 50 tons of nuclear fuel, and has for 30 years. Iran’s offer to exchange unprocessed nuclear material for processed fuel they are already owed by France is more than fair. So far, an anonymous US official has rejected Iran’s offer.