
Iraq war disinformation: propaganda to cover-up mass murder


“The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.” – Harry Truman, as quoted in Plain Speaking : An Oral Biography of Harry S Truman (1974) by Merle Miller, p. 26.

Senator Lieberman, Secretary of State Clinton, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton have resumed rhetoric of a United States attack upon Iran. As my other articles have demonstrated, that rhetoric is false and intentional propaganda attempting to justify another US War of Aggression, and that the rhetoric for war with Iraq was also known to be false at the time it was told and we have been lied to continuously up to the present. The following is from my brief, “War with Iraq and Afghanistan, rhetoric for war with Iran:"

Please use this information in any way helpful to build a brighter future.

Iraq WMD evidence: lies, dictatorship, and evil. Part 2


“The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.” – Harry Truman, as quoted in Plain Speaking : An Oral Biography of Harry S Truman (1974) by Merle Miller, p. 26.

Senator Lieberman, Secretary of State Clinton, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton have resumed rhetoric of a United States attack upon Iran. As my other articles have demonstrated, that rhetoric is false and intentional propaganda attempting to justify another US War of Aggression. We should understand that the rhetoric for war with Iraq was also known to be false at the time it was told. The following is from my brief, “War with Iraq and Afghanistan, rhetoric for war with Iran.”

Please use this information in any way helpful to build a brighter future.

Iraq WMD evidence: lies, dictatorship, and evil. Part 1


“The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.” – Harry Truman, as quoted in Plain Speaking : An Oral Biography of Harry S Truman (1974) by Merle Miller, p. 26.

Senator Lieberman, Secretary of State Clinton, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton have resumed rhetoric of a United States attack upon Iran. As my other articles have demonstrated, that rhetoric is false and intentional propaganda attempting to justify another US War of Aggression. We should understand that the rhetoric for war with Iraq was also known to be false at the time it was told. The following is from my brief, “War with Iraq and Afghanistan, rhetoric for war with Iran":

Please use this information in any way helpful to build a brighter future.

Wars of Aggression: Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."
- Voltaire, Questions sur les miracles (1765)

Senator Lieberman, Secretary of State Clinton, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton have resumed rhetoric of a United States attack upon Iran. This article will define “War of Aggression” and explain when a war is justifiable under US and international law. Laws are meant to be understood and obeyed. Among the most important for governments and citizens to understand is when war is authorized, and when responses other than war are required. If we wish to call ourselves civilized, we MUST understand the rule of law before we threaten a nation for destruction, death, and cruel physical, emotional and mental agony.
It is edited from my brief, “War with Afghanistan and Iraq, rhetoric for war with Iran”; found here:

Keith Olbermann On Blackwater

This Is Just Horrible...

A.B. Buzzy Krongard sat on the advisory board of Blackwater.

Movie "New American Century" translated into english

The New American Century is an italian movie made by film-maker Massimo Mazzucco, recently translated into english. The movie presents the historical, philosophical, economical and political background (some of which is practically unknown to the general public) to 9/11 attacks and the wars that followed. Full version is linked here, DVD is available for purchase here.

  • "Historically accurate, narratively captivating, The New American Century is one of the best films about the facts behind the 9/11 attacks". -- Webster G. Tarpley
  • "The New American Century is a stunning film. It should be seen as widely as possible, in cinemas, bars, clubs, at meetings and, of course, through the internet. I'm sure the film will continue to be a source of debate and political education for many years." -- Ken Loach
  • Decoding Scheuer's Call for Osama to Kill Americans

    Decoding Scheuer's Call for Osama to Kill More Americans
    "War on Terror" advocates want civilians to die to justify "War on Terror"

    James Corbett
    The Corbett Report
    6 July, 2009

    CIA analyst Michael Scheuer's recent call for bin Laden to kill more Americans would be shocking if we hadn't already heard it dozens of times before from other "War on Terror" advocates. "It's an absurd situation," Scheuer told FOX News personality Glenn Beck on his program last week. "Only Osama can execute an attack that will force Americans to demand that their government protect them effectively, consistently, and with as much violence as necessary."

    Eager to Tap Iraq's Vast Oil Reserves, Industry Execs Suggested Invasion Jason Leopold TRUTHOUT

    Eager to Tap Iraq's Vast Oil Reserves, Industry Execs Suggested Invasion

    Friday 03 July 2009

    by: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t | Report

    Two years before the invasion of Iraq, oil executives and foreign policy advisers told the Bush administration that the United States would remain "a prisoner of its energy dilemma" as long as Saddam Hussein was in power.

    That April 2001 report, "Strategic Policy Challenges for the 21st Century," was prepared by the James A. Baker Institute for Public Policy and the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations at the request of then-Vice President Dick Cheney.

    In retrospect, it appears that the report helped focus administration thinking on why it made geopolitical sense to oust Hussein, whose country sat on the world's second largest oil reserves.

    "Iraq remains a destabilizing influence to the flow of oil to international markets from the Middle East," the report said.

    Governor Bush told Houston Journalist: If Elected. "I'm Going to Invade Iraq"

    by Sherwood Ross

    Global Research, June 2, 2009

    Two years before the 9/11 attacks on America, George W. Bush told a Houston journalist if elected president, “I’m going to invade Iraq.”

    Bush made the comments about starting an aggressive war to veteran Houston Chronicle reporter Mickey Herskowitz, then working with Bush on his book “A Charge To Keep,” later brought out by publisher William Morrow.

    This disclosure was uncovered by Russ Baker, an award-winning investigative reporter when he interviewed Herskowitz for his own book, “Family of Secrets” (Bloomsbury Press) about the Bush dynasty. However, Baker says, when he approached The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times with the potentially devastating story to President Bush prior to the 2004 presidential election, they declined to publish it.

    Like Iraq, the "Facts" Regarding 9/11 Were "Fixed Around the Policy"

    3 facts show that the government "fixed the facts" regarding 9/11 around a policy decision to exonerate the government from any blame whatsoever.

    1. 9/11 Commission's Chief Counsel says Official Story "Almost Entirely Untrue . . . There Was an Agreement Not to Tell the Truth about What Happened"

    As Daily Kos notes in a recent recommended story, the senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission - John Farmer - states in a new book that the official story of 9/11 "almost entirely untrue".

    As I noted last month, he also says:

    At some level of the government, at some point in time...there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened.


    Splitting The Sky vs War Criminal George W. Bush et al

    Meet the MAN who tried to arrest George W. Bush on March 17th, 2009 in Calgary, and learn why he did this.

    Direct Link:

    In this interview Splitting the Sky (aka John Boncore) explains his actions in Calgary, Canada's laws pertaining to war crimes. and attempts to have Bush barred or arrested. He makes connections to 9/11, references his personal history with that day, discusses his investigations into put option stocks, then ties this to AIG, Hank Greenburg, Soros, Obama, Brezizinski, Kissinger, et al and the current financial meltdown (controlled economic collapse).

    A Grand Slam!

    This video is from "Face to Face" with guest host Chris Cook, to be aired soon in Victoria, BC, southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, potentially reaching 400,000 viewers.

    Hans Blix Would Testify Against Bush-Cheney War Crimes

    Hans Blix Would Testify Against Bush-Cheney War Crimes

    Submitted by Bob Fertik on December 21, 2008 - 2:05pm. Bush Prosecution

    On their History Rewrite Tour, Bush and Cheney insist the pre-war intelligence about Iraq's WMD's was bad and they were innocent dupes.

    Of course we all know the truth from the Downing Street Memos and dozens of other sources, which is that "the intelligence and facts were fixed" around the policy of invasion. And here's one more damning piece of evidence, courtesy of Roads to Iraq. (The Aljazeera link is in Arabic - someone needs to translate it.)

    Pls see (in Arabic) :

    In an interview with Aljazeera today, former Chief of the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq told the TV that he and the Head of the IAEA “Mohamed Al-Baradei” were subjected to direct threats from Dick Cheney before the war.

    Blix said that Cheney threatened to defame both men’s reputations if they didn’t came with the “required” answers.

    Iraqing the American Economy

    The American economy hasn't just been wrecked, its been Iraqed.

    As Senator Inhofe said Saturday:

    War or Peace? The World After the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

    War or Peace? The World After the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

    Richard C. Cook
    Global Research
    October 26, 2008


    World war or world peace is the blunt choice that will face either Barack Obama or John McCain when one of them is elected president of the United States on Tuesday, November 4, 2008.
