Izzy Asper
Occupy Robo-calls, Richard Gage & 9/11 "This is what civil information actions look like"
I came out of retirement as a 9/11 truth activist for the next 2 weeks to help promote Richard Gage's "9/11 Blueprint for Truth" speaking event in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (one stop along Richard's cross Canada Tour). This is one more example of how to put the issues of 9/11 on the hearts and minds of Canadians using the highly effective civil information[ing]. All I did was show up with some leaflets at to a rally here in Edmonton organized by the Occupy Edmonton movement. One Year ago February 21, 2011 Dr Niels Harrit, his wife and I did 9/11 civil info actions at this exact same square when the Libyans were rallying to oust Gaddafi from Libya...
More on 9/11 Civil Information Activism - http://www.ciactivist.org/
Befitting a citizen: a civil duty.
The act of informing.
The practice of vigorous action.
If you want the public to hear you once, you have to say what you're saying five or 10 times. Canadian media mogul Izzy Asper
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You have to say what you're saying five or 10 times... 9/11 Truth Poster Distribution
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