Legislature meeting

Representatives of Davis 9/11 Truth, Sacramento 9/11 Truth and AE911Truth.org meet with Senator Feinstein Office Director.

San Francisco, July 21, 2009, Office of the Senator. Representatives of Davis 9/11 Truth Mark Graham, of Sacramento 9/11 Truth Leader Activist David Kimball, and Dr Richard Gage, founder of AE911Truth.org and Gregg Roberts, one of the authors of Nanothermite Report and member of AE911Truth, met in San Francisco with Jim Molinari, Director of Office of powerful Senator Diane Feinstein.

http://911TruthDavis.blogspot.com - http://Sac911Truth.blogspot.com - http://AE911Truth.org - http://Feinstein.senate.gov/public/

The subject - debating the 9/11 Truth arguments, new nanothermite evidence, controlled demolition, request for the investigation.

The parties exchanged views and information on these issue, appreciated each other approach.

The 9/11 Truth group handed over a copy of Profs. Harrit, Farrer, Jones, Ryan et al Nanothermite Report, among others documents.

http://www.bentham-open.org/pages/content.php?TOCPJ/2009/00000002/00000001/7TOCPJ.SGM,http://rockcreekfreepress.tumblr.com..., http://JournalOf911studies.com/, http://stj911.org/