Leonard Peltier
Sept 11 Treason + Vaccine
Flyby News (notes and items listed) in today's issue, follows. Note the affidavit by Dr. Len Horowitz appealing to the FBI to investigate swine flu deception and connection to 9/11 criminals.
Also, political prisoner, Native American, Leonard Peltier, writes on his parole denial.
Flyby News - www.FlybyNews.com
Editor - Jonathan Mark
September 19, 2009 - Sept 11 Treason + Vaccine * Peltier
"The world is a dangerous place,
not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on
and do nothing."
-- Albert Einstein
1) September 11 Breakthrough for Treason
- - NYC CAN's Historic MARCH
- - Senior Officials Question 9/11
- - The Mysterious Collapse of WTC 7
- - Dr. Steve Jones - DVD - Nanothermite -
- - 9/11: Blueprint for Truth World Premiere
- - Sibel Edmonds & Nuclear Trafficking
- - Why Propaganda Trumps Truth
- - Charlie Sheen - President Obama
- - Barack Obama Abandons Missile
- - U.S. Death Squads Roam The Globe
- - Ex-CIA Chiefs Halt Interrogations Probe
- - "Anthrax Wars" with filmmaker
- - Reviews An American Coup
- - Evidence of Treason...
- jonathan mark's blog
- Read more
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Democracy Now 9/11 * Reflecting Pool Tour
Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark - www.FlybyNews.com
June 29, 2008 - Democracy Now 9/11 * Reflecting Pool Tour
"We're trying to change the paradigm of human democracy,
of human governance, and that’s what this [NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative] is
all about, changing the paradigm of human governance right here in New
York City by asserting that you saw something wrong that took place,
and you want to address it through using the tool of the Initiative, the
legislative power of citizenry to go after that fundamental change."
-- Mike Gravel
Former US Senator
Democracy Now! June 17, 2008
1) Democracy Now & 9/11 - NYC Ballot Initiative +
- - Update on NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative
- - Reflecting Pool on the Road
- - BBC 9/11 Conspiracy Files Producer's New Blog Posting
- - Heartson life threatened for researching 9/11 - Video
2) U.S. escalating covert operations against Iran: report
- - Lawyers Guild Urges Special Prosecutor, War Crimes Commission
- - It Was Oil, All Along
- - Ex-Army scientist to get $5.8M in anthrax lawsuit
3) Leonard Peltier 2008 Oglala Statement – CNN King Assassination
- jonathan mark's blog
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Global Warming * Neocons * 911NYC * Peltier
Global Warming * Neocons * 911NYC * Peltier
Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark - www.FlybyNews.com
June 26, 2008 - Hansen Global Warning * Neocon Iran Threats
[The following includes the notes and items of recent issue
posted at FlybyNews. com, and a preview of next issue's articles on
NYC 9/11 Ballot - Reflecting Pool - Leonard Peltier 6/26/08 statement.]
“Special interests have blocked transition to our renewable energy future.
Instead of moving heavily into renewable energies, fossil companies
choose to spread doubt about global warming, as tobacco companies
discredited the smoking-cancer link. Methods are sophisticated,
including funding to help shape school textbook discussions of
global warming. CEOs of fossil energy companies know what
they are doing and are aware of long-term consequences of
continued business as usual. In my opinion, these CEOs
should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature."
-- James Hansen
Testimony before US Congress, 23 June 2008
1) Global Warming – James Hansen - Tipping Point - Congress
- - James Hansen: Prosecute oil companies, top scientist says