truthandwellness Tue, 05/29/2007 - 4:24pm
Luke and We Are Change confront David Rockefeller
Luke and We Are Change confront David Rockefeller:
Caught this 7pm CT just after the post, seems to have gone down.
tony nicer Fri, 05/11/2007 - 11:30pm
Tony Nicer May 11th 2007:Luke Rudkowski gives us updates Silverstien thug gets fired for calling in fake bomb threat on Luke.
On May 11th I interviewed Luke as he gave us updates in the "911 was an inside job" room on Silverstein Security Thug Loses Job for calling in Fake bomb threat on Luke. Hear Luke tell it as it happened.
This is the thug that got fired see what he did.
Join "911 was an inside job room" go to for directions on how to down load program.