Music Video SELLING FUTURES posted at Truth Troubadour Channel on YouTube
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- Woody Guthrie
Selling Futures reviews the many aspects and consequences of the complete takeover of US society by consolidated corporations and their attempt to globalize and militarize the entire world under the cover of “privatizing” resources and fighting a “war on terror”. Of course, as always, 9/11 Truth is an integral part of Vic's songs and videos. Eric Golub is featured on ukulele. The song was recorded by sound engineer/owner at Robot Envy Studio in Berkeley, CA.
If you like Selling Futures, support it with “like” and "share" buttons, as well as sending the link out in your emails and posting it to other sites. The same goes for any of the 9/11 Truth specific videos: Blowback or Bloody Treason, Trouble in the Rubble, Ballad of William Rodriguez, and Cheney's in the Bunker. Thank you! The song, Selling Futures, is copyrighted. But the video has a Creative Commons Copyright with free download and use without the right to change the video.
Vic Sadot is Truth Troubadour at twitter, 911blogger, gmail, youtube, bliptv, and blogspot.
Selling Futures - Truth Troubadour Music Video at You Tube
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Britain’s sports stars at the service of war propaganda
- 2001 war on Afghanistan
- 2003 War on Iraq
- Afghanistan
- Andy Murray
- Armed Forces Day
- Daily Mail
- Daily Telegraph
- David Beckham
- David Cameron
- Fabio Capello
- Jonny Wilkinson
- militarism
- military recruitment campaign
- Nathan Eccleston
- Poppy Appeal
- Rio Ferdinand
- Royal British Legion
- The Guardian
- The Scotsman
- The Sun
- uk
- war propaganda
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Operation Torch: Police State NYC
Militarized police armed with M4 carbine rifles and MP5 submachine guns
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The Year of Living Dangerously: Part Two of Two
An Absence of Will
Under constant manipulations, lies and propaganda, a nation of courage has become a nation of cowards. A nation that once questioned its leaders now falls lockstep behind them, blindly following criminality and corruption. A nation that once stood for protests, strikes, marches, sit-ins, challenging the government and seeking accountability now prefers sitting comfortably on couches or chairs, watching the world pass by through television sets or laptops, some becoming arm-chair activists, most simply rotting away their lives, preferring the life of a couch potato, passively ignoring the destruction of rights and freedoms, silently acquiescing to myriad number of crimes against humanity, and obediently shopping, purchasing and consuming according to the dictates of the corporatist world, their new god the Almighty Dollar commanding them to congregate at the Cathedrals of Consumerism, the Malls of Materialism, told to do their job and be good consumers, spending what little they have, even consuming with money that they do not have, and must therefore borrow.