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The International Forecaster – James Corbett August 13, 2016
CorbettReport -
…So that leaves us pretty much where we started: aware that the media is biased and aware that this is leading to an escalating cycle of hatred that is conveniently directed away from the powers-that-shouldn't-be.
So what do we do about this?
There are going to be many different answers to this question, obviously, but one of them is coming from Newsbud…. -(see video)-
Sibel Edmonds:
“…Decades of these people writing a couple term papers a year, investigating, has done nothing, has gotten the system worse.
Independent Media Heads to New York to Confront NBC Over MSM Lies
Independent Media Heads to New York to Confront NBC Over MSM Lies
August 3, 2016 by James Corbett (The International Forecaster and CorbettReport)
...yet another provable lie circulated by anonymous military sources through their propaganda arm, the US mainstream media. This story is a pretty straightforward example of a psyop designed to be spread throughout Turkey and used to defuse the Turkish public’s violent counter reaction to the coup.
Ari Melber Co-Host of MSNBC's "The Cycle" Questioned About WTC Building 7 on C-SPAN
Ari Melber - MSNBC "The Cycle" - Co-Host
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MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show: Crackpot Conspiracy Theories Enjoy Mainstreaming by Right
Interest In “False Flag” Terrorism at All-Time High. Interest In False Flag Terrorism Goes Through the Roof
Everyone’s Talking about “False Flags … Isn’t that Another Bogus Historical Conspiracy Theory?
Was Boston Bomber Radicalized at U.S.-Sponsored Workshop?
The comments on the RawStory article are pretty impressive.
Former Sen. Bob Graham calls for new 9/11 investigation
Posted on 09.12.11
By Eric W. Dolan
Former Democratic Senator Bob Graham on Monday called on the U.S. government to reopen its investigation into 9/11 after a report found that links between Saudi Arabia and the hijackers were never disclosed by the FBI to the 2002 joint Congressional intelligence committee investigating the attacks.
“In the final report of the congressional inquiry, there was a chapter related primarily to the Saudi role in 9/11 that was totally censored, every word of the chapter has been withheld from the public,” Graham said on MSNBC’s The Dylan Ratigan Show.
“Some of the other questions we ought to be asking are if we know that the Saudis who lived in San Diego and now apparently in Sarasota received substantial assistance, what about the Saudis who lived in Phoenix, Arizona? Or Arlington, Virginia? … What was happening in those places?”
“I believe these are questions for which there are definitive answers, but the American people and largely their elected representatives have been denied that information.”
Watch video, courtesy of MSNBC, below:
Olbermann wonders if FOX should Fire Judge Napolitano For Being A 9/11 Truther - 11/24/10
MSNBC News poll about conspiracy theories
MSNBC has a poll in progress asking if you believe in conspiracy theories about 9/11.
chance to weigh in . . .
Grayson Slams Mosque "Distraction": Talk about admin that "let" 9/11 happen instead...........MSNBC
Grayson slams mosque ‘distraction’: Talk about admin that ‘let’ 9/11 happen instead
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Chris Matthews to Discredit Alex Jones and 9/11 Truth
MSNBC Works with Alex Jones to Discredit Tea Party Movement
MSNBC: Jesse Ventura claims govt. involved in 9/11
And don't forget, Jesse Ventura is on Larry King tonight, presumably to promote his book, so 9/11 truth being mentioned is inevitable.
Former Minnesota governor says Bush administration tied to attacks
TODAY books
updated 3:36 p.m. ET, Mon., March. 8, 2010
In his new book, "American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies That the Government Tells Us," former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura begins an investigative journey to prove that there is more to our national history than the government wants us to know. In this excerpt, he writes about an alleged 9/11 cover-up.
Chapter 12: What really happened on September 11?
The incident: On September 11, 2001, four airplanes were hijacked on American soil and crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania.
The official word: The 19 hijackers were all fanatic Muslim terrorists linked to al-Qaeda and its ringleader, Osama bin Laden.
Fax For Truth Special 11-Day Campaign, Day Two: CNN and MSNBC
Today, the second day of Fax For Truth's "11 Days for 9/11 Truth" campaign, we will be sending two faxes to mainstream media outlets CNN and MSNBC. The media and the politicians have received the document. They have had ample time to review it. How about some coverage? How about some comments from the politicians on the evidence contained in the document? Why won’t these media outlets ask these questions? Let’s send them a holy flood of faxes of telling them that we want answers to these questions, and we want them now. Please take five minutes to send a fax to CNN and MSNBC demanding more coverage of this hugely important new revelation contained in the “Active Thermitic Material” paper. You can use the sample letter provided below or write your own. As always a polite, respectful tone is preferable and you can send a free fax over the internet by going to Faxzero will allow you to send two faxes for free per day.
CNN Fax Number: 202-898-7923
MSNBC Fax Number: 212-413-5189
Sample letter
Today’s date
Your name and address
Mark Allen
CNN Political Unit
820 1st Street NE
Polls show broad skepticism among Americans of official 9/11 narrative
Below is a summary of opinion polls querying the American public on the viability of the official government narrative for 9/11. Polls have been conducted by such pollsters as Zogby, Scripps Howard, Reuters and Angus Reid and cable news channels such as CNN and MSNBC. Apparently, the official conspiracy theory isn't doing very well. In fact, the numbers are scaring the bejesus out of some of the pollsters, who are left looking for ways to trivialize such large numbers of their fellow citizens as "fringe elements". Tactics include suggesting the respondents are misguided because of ethnocentric bias, inability to cope with events of large magnitude, lack of intelligence, factual ignorance, one-sidedness, the internet or deeply embedded distrust of government. The last suggestion appears to have a chicken-or-egg problem.
Open Letter to Rachel Maddow on Obama, Brzezinski and 9/11 Conspiracy
Hyperlinks here:
Ms. Maddow,
I saw the bit on MSNBC with your guest Brzezinski:
Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams "Conspiratorial View" Of History While Highlighting 50's Iran Overthrow
Perhaps you haven't examined the official myth about 9/11, i.e. that it was accomplished solely by Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. Given that Obama made a claim and didn't back it up with any facts- while admitting that elements in the US and Britain conspired to overthrow Mossadegh a half century ago- it's kind of a misnomer to say he "debunked" "9/11 conspiracists". And given the many lies told by Bush Administration principals about 9/11, and given the 9/11 Commission's failure to conduct a full and honest investigation- who's to say what really happened on 9/11?
The 9/11 Commission ignored 70% of the 9/11 families' questions
And your employer, MSNBC, published a report that says 25% of the 9/11 Commission Report, including the sections most relevant to linking 9/11 to al Qaeda and Bin Laden, was based on testimony obtained by torture:
Olbermann: 'Fatuous, condescending lunatic' Cheney failed to prevent 9/11
Another break in the mainstream media.
Olbermann: 'Fatuous, condescending lunatic' Cheney failed to prevent 9/11
David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Tuesday January 6, 2009
The eight years of Dick Cheney's memorable vice-presidency will be over and done with two weeks from now, but MSNBC's Keith Olbermann remains determined to get in his parting shots at "Crazy Vice-President Gate."
On Monday, Olbermann found his opportunity in Cheney's remarks on Face the Nation when asked whether we are better off than eight years ago.
"I think we’ve done some very good things in the course of the last eight years," Cheney replied. "Defending the country against further terrorist attacks like 9/11 I think’s a major accomplishment, for example."
Olbermann was clearly offended by Cheney's claim that preventing another 9/11 meant the nation was now better off than before 9/11, but it was the remarks which followed that really got him steamed.
MSNBC Contributor Jonathan Turley on the Rachel Maddow Show: 'Strange alliance' between Bush and alleged 9/11 mastermind
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, often described as the mastermind of 9/11, and four other prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay told a military judge on Monday that they wish to plead guilty to all charges.
Law professor Jonathan Turley sees this confession as a "strange alliance" between Mohammed and George W. Bush, where both men get what they want -- martyrdom in Mohammed's case and vindication in Bush's -- and President-elect Barack Obama is stuck in the middle with a dilemma on his hands.