News Hounds

FOX News Marginalizes Giuliani Critics And 9/11 Victims As “Campaign Crazies” And Democrat Kirsten Powers Helps

FOX puts its best (worst?) spin on Giuliani's WTC moment. The fact of the matter is, confronting "America's Mayor" with "America's Questions" is a winning tactic, and FOX can't handle the truth. The fact of the matter is, Giuliani's 9/11 campaign crutch is quite vulnerable, and confronting Giuliani with tough questions is a winner for 9/11 skeptics. So get your handycam and bust some moves. Have a follow-up question ready to roll, a good one might be, "Why didn't your administration ensure that the First Responders had the best radios that they could possibly have?" -r.

FOX News Marginalizes Giuliani Critics And 9/11 Victims As “Campaign Crazies” And Democrat Kirsten Powers Helps

Reported by Ellen - June 1, 2007

A group of New York City firefighters and family members of 9/11 victims, upset with the faulty radios and what they called a lack of coordination at Ground Zero, have been protesting at Rudy Giuliani’s fundraisers in an effort to challenge his media image as a 9/11 hero. But rather than air the allegations in a fair and balanced forum, FOX News marginalized the critics as “campaign crazies” and equated them with a man who said he would never vote for Romney because he’s a Mormon. Sadly, “Democratic strategist” Kirstin Powers declined the opportunity to advocate for the other side. With video.

The discussion on last night's (5/31/07) Hannity & Colmes opened with Sean Hannity playing a clip of Romney politely approaching a potential constituent. “I’m one person who will never vote for a Mormon,” the man told Romney and refused to shake his hand. That was followed by a clip of Giuliani telling an unknown but aggressive questioner, “The fact is that I never realized the towers would collapse.” Hannity followed that up by repeating an old falsehood, that Republican guest Michael Steele “(was) hit with Oreo cookies” during a 2002 gubernatorial debate.

Powers seemed to have spent all her prep time on her appearance and none on any substantive issues. She either didn't know or didn't care that Hannity had just misrepresented the Oreo cookie incident. Her main interest seemed to be in flirting prettily with Hannity. She looked absolutely gorgeous but seemed to have nothing to say other than “this kind of stuff happens all the time on campaigns… A good politician, a good campaigner knows how to react.” It never seemed to have occurred to her that here was an opportunity to point out the vulnerabilities of a top Republican presidential candidate or even mention that there are plenty of real 9/11 heroes who take issue with Giuliani’s actions and his heroic image.

It was Alan Colmes who brought out the fact that Steele was not pelted with cookies but, as Steele later admitted, “when I looked at my feet, someone had rolled Oreo cookies in my direction.”

Colmes continued to make all the points Powers should have. He asked Steele, “What’s wrong with asking someone like Rudy Giuliani questions… there are some questions about, for example, the decision to put the emergency bunker on the 27th floor of the World Trade Center…. Those are legitimate questions to ask a candidate.” ...
