New York State legislation would force the NYPD to release names of all cops who worked at Ground Zero

NY State legislation would force the NYPD to release names of all cops who worked at Ground Zero to cancer researchers
Mount Sinai Medical Center scientists have asked for the information

By Kenneth Lovett / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ALBANY — The NYPD would be required to provide the list of cops who worked at Ground Zero to cancer researchers under legislation being drafted in the Legislature.

The measure was requested by the police officers union, which says the studies could help secure needed federal health money for ailing cops.

Scientists at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan have asked for the full roster of officers who served at Ground Zero, but the NYPD’s surgeon refused, citing privacy concerns.

Assemblyman Micah Kellner (D-Manhattan) and state Sen. Diane Savino (D-S.I.) ripped the decision and promised to introduce a bill as soon as next week compelling the NYPD to comply with the request.

“These were the heroes of 9/11, and they deserve the best health care possible,” Kellner said. “If there is a higher rate of cancer, we need to find that out through the best study possible, and that means releasing this list.”

Occupy Wall Street: Michael Moore states, 'We oppose the way our economy is structured'

Occupy Wall Street: Michael Moore states, 'We oppose the way our economy is structured'
Current TV, Keith Olbermann, October 04, 2011

In a wide-ranging interview with Keith, filmmaker Michael Moore talks about his participation in the Occupy Wall Street protests, the goals of the movement and how it's evolving.

NYPD confirms CIA officer works at department

NYPD confirms CIA officer works at department
Aug 25 07:08 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - New York's police commissioner confirmed Thursday that a CIA officer is working out of police headquarters there, after an Associated Press investigation revealed an unusual partnership with the CIA that has blurred the line between foreign and domestic spying. But he and the CIA said the spy agency's role at the department is an advisory one.

Speaking to reporters in New York, commissioner Raymond Kelly acknowledged that the CIA trains NYPD officers on "trade craft issues," meaning espionage techniques, and advises police about events happening overseas. Kelly also said he was unaware of any other U.S. police department with a similar relationship with the CIA.

"They are involved in providing us with information, usually coming from perhaps overseas and providing it to us for, you know, just for our purposes," Kelly said.

CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood said the agency does not spy inside the United States and also described the relationship with the NYPD as collaborative.

"Our cooperation, in coordination with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is exactly what the American people deserve and have come to expect following 9/11," she said.

NYPD hero Kevin Czartoryski, stricken by 9/11-related lung disease, dies at 46

Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/12/06/2010-12-06_nypd_hero_kevin_czartoryski_stricken_by_911related_lung_disease_...

NYPD hero Kevin Czartoryski, stricken by 9/11-related lung disease, dies at 46

BY John Lauinger


Monday, December 6th 2010, 4:00 AM

Retired Detective Kevin Czartoryski, who helped improve relations between the NYPD and the gay
community, died Sunday following a battle with lung disease. He was 46.

Czartoryski, who retired in 2009 on a 9/11 medical disability, died at New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Weill Cornell in Manhattan. No cause of death has been determined, but Czartoryski suffered from
pulmonary fibrosis, a lung disorder usually suffered by people exposed to asbestos for long periods.

The NYPD medical board determined his condition was caused by his time at Ground Zero, searching
for remains and staffing a makeshift morgue.

His condition improved after a single lung transplant in May, but deteriorated again in August.
Last month, doctors found cancer in his other lung that had spread to his bones and stomach.

Confirmation that vehicle with WTC attack mural was "stopped" on 9/11


As transcribed by Culhavoc:

"officer: “I got a message on that uh plane, it’s a big truck with a mural painted of a of a airplane diving into New York City and exploding [inaudible] know what’s in the truck, the truck is in between 6th and 7th on King Street“

officer: [inaudible] are you holding those two guys [inaudible] (kay?)

multiple voices/commotion: [inaudible] fucking beat the shit out of him.


multiple voices/commotion: [inaudible] fucking shit out of him [inaudible]

officer: all right listen you need any [inaudible] on those two guys over there? you all right over there kay?

officer: “we got both suspects under kay, we have the suspects who drive…drove in the van and that exploded we have both of them under kay let’s get some help over here”

In February of 2006, the Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (MTI) published their report entitled: “Saving City Lifelines: Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks”.

Operation Sentinel: The High-Tech Police State Takes Shape

Operation Sentinel: The High-Tech Police State Takes Shape

by Tom Burghardt / August 17th, 2008

Operation Sentinel, a new program unveiled by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), would encircle Manhattan with thousands of surveillance cameras that photograph every car or truck entering and exiting the city across its network of bridges and tunnels.

Information captured by this intrusive project would be stored in a huge database for an undisclosed period of time. Additionally, a network of sensors installed at toll plazas would allegedly be able to capable detect radiological materials that could be used in potential terror plots, the New York Times reports.

However, the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) has denounced the proposal as “an attack on New Yorkers’ right to privacy.” NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman lambasted this outrageous proposal saying,

NYPD memo from 1998: Secret Service aided in blast analysis for WTC7, worried a bomb could collapse building

Memo Details Objections to Command Center Site

The New York Police Department produced a detailed analysis in 1998 opposing plans by the city to locate its emergency command center at the World Trade Center, but the Giuliani administration overrode those objections. The command center later collapsed from damage in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack.

“Seven World Trade Center is a poor choice for the site of a crucial command center for the top leadership of the City of New York,” a panel of police experts, which was aided by the Secret Service, concluded in a confidential Police Department memorandum.

Alex Jones Arrested by NYPD

digg_url = 'http://digg.com/politics/Alex_Jones_Arrested_by_NYPD';


NEW YORK - Media activist Alex Jones was arrested by New York Police Department officers while filming a documentary about the sixth anniversary of September 11th and joining the protest against the official version of what happened on 9/11.

According to Infowars sources Jones was singled out by police from the head of a crowd of about 400 9/11 Truth Activists and protesters. He was verbally accosted and forced by the police officers to present identification which he was not carrying at the time.

NYPD officers arrested Jones for "unspecified charges" and removed from the protest crowd to be taken to the nearest police precinct where he currently remains.

Rob Jacobson, camera operator on Jones' documentary production crew indicated that a large portion of the protest crowd has moved to the precinct where Jones is being held to ensure his fair treatment and safe release.

More news as it develops...

Also, Wearechange.org video of Alex Getting arrested:

Video of Alex speaking after being released:

Fox covering the arrest:

Former CIA, Now NYPD, Says Al Qaeda Attack Due "Any Given Day"

According to the NY Daily News,

"The NYPD's intelligence chief says Osama Bin Laden's henchmen have stepped up recruitment over the past six months - turning a desolate area of northern Pakistan into a training ground for a new generation of terrorists.

"They want to come here, and whatever their capabilities, they absolutely are focused on returning to New York City," NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence David Cohen told the Daily News.

Cohen said he was well aware of the threat before a new report prepared for the White House became public last week."

Cohen should know: He used to serve as the CIA's Directorate of Operations, from 1995 to 1997, and spent 35 years in the CIA. This description is from Democracy Now:

Complete Archive of WTC Task Force Interviews for Download

I have spent quite a few hours going through and downloading every single interview PDF file available online and building a ZIP archive with them all conveniently stored together.

These are the original unedited World Trade Center Task Force Interview Transcripts taken between October 2001 and January 2002.

I have taken them from the NY Times website, so hopefully there are no questions over credibility.

Base URL ( graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/nyregion/20050812_WTC_GRAPHIC/9110nnn.PDF).

They Include testamony from...


Please host these if you can (filesize is 44MB), share or whatever as they were tricky to put all together and are not located in many places (two websites I found, none in easily accessible archive format, all separate).

You can download the ZIP archive from : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=95ZYJ4X7
Update: 911podcasts mirror

Please help store for posterity and future analysis.

Many thanks and best wishes

I was Attacked by the NYPD ... wanna watch?

FluxRostrum Attacked by NYPD Camera Stolen and Smashed

Click Image Play QuickTime 6 minutes 20 mgs~ IPOD ~ Download the Full Screen Version
Bandwidth Challenged, or on U2B other embedding options exist here or here
This video is dedicated to Independent Journalists worldwide who've paid a price for seeking the truth
. . . some more than others. ~presente
In the last three years, there has been an increase of 25% in civilian complaints against the NYPD. In the last two years, there has been an increase of 12% in lawsuits filed against the NYPD for false arrest, assault, excessive force or other wrongdoing.*

Related Links ::: Let Them Talk, Reporters Without Borders, Friends of Brad Will, Free Josh Wolf, Witness, "Why I did not leave Nazi Germany in time", Al Crespo's PBS Photo Journalism Video, Guilty of Independent Journalism, Who will police the NYPD?, Failing to Protect, IFEX, IFJ, Off-Center, I Witness Video, Brad Will's last Stand, Bloggers Beware, CyberJournalist.net, The Center for Citizen Media

NYPD Officer Shares His Story of 9/11 via MySpace

Quezinox sent in a link to a MySpace page of a former NYPD police officer recalling his experience on 9/11. The blog entry is future-dated, but according to the comments was probably initially posted in February of 2006. 'Craig 9/11' currently suffers from PTSD from his experiences at Ground Zero, and is a supporter of the 9/11 truth movement.

It is always a heart felt reminder to read these sorts of experiences from those that were actually there. This last 9/11 there were at least a dozen blog posts found via blogsearch.google.com which recounted first hand stories, and I read a good number of them. This particular blog entry is doubly intriguing to me as the author was directly involved with the initial response, and saw some things which we are all blessed with not having to have seen.

Here are a couple of sections from the full entry, if someone wants to post the full entry in the comments feel free.

Tour Change ~ A 9/11 Survivor's Story - Craig 9/11 MySpace blog
requires a myspace account to view full

(more after the jump..)