
Interview with "Deceptions" filmmaker, Chris Pratt


Impending Police State

MEDIA ROOTS- In George Orwell’s 1984, Britain is depicted as a totalitarian police state that is ruled by the Party, or Big Brother– an enigmatic, ubiquitous elite that controls society through heavy surveillance, nationalist propaganda and historical revisionism. The concept seems like a far-fetched portrayal of a Democratic nation’s demise into totalitarianism, but in America’s “post 9/11” climate of fear, the United States government has been building a comprehensive grid of surveillance and control that bears frightening similarities to Orwell’s fictional narrative.

Obama, Mullen, Gates Hold War-Justification-Ceremony at Pentagon for 9/11 Victims Family Members & Country on 11th of the Month

To my knowledge, this is the first time a 9/11 memorial by the highest officials has happened on an 11th other than September.

As covered by the Navy Times:

President Obama, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen on Saturday (the 11th) remembered the victims of the terrorist attack on the Pentagon in a ceremony at the Pentagon Memorial.

I can optimistically think that this is in direct response to:

Is the State of Emergency Superseding the US Constitution? by Peter Dale Scott

Source: http://japanfocus.org/-Peter_Dale-Scott/3448

Is the State of Emergency Superseding the US Constitution? Continuity of Government Planning, War and American Society by Peter Dale Scott

In July 1987, during the Iran-Contra Hearings grilling of Oliver North, the American public got a glimpse of “highly sensitive” emergency planning North had been involved in. Ostensibly North had been handling plans for an emergency response to a nuclear attack (a legitimate concern). But press accounts alleged that the planning was for a more generalized suspension of the constitution at the president’s determination.

As part of its routine Iran-contra coverage, the following exchange was printed in the New York Times without journalistic comment or follow-up:

[Congressman Jack] Brooks: Colonel North, in your work at the N.S.C. were you not assigned, at one time, to work on plans for the continuity of government in the event of a major disaster?

Both North’s attorney and Sen. Daniel Inouye, the Democratic Chair of the Committee, responded in a way that showed they were aware of the issue:
Brendan Sullivan [North's counsel, agitatedly]: Mr. Chairman?

President Gul: NATO missile plan is in line with our expectations

  US President Barack Obama (L) talks with Turkish President Abdullah Gul (2L), Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou (facing away) and British Prime Minister David Cameron (R) before an official group portrait at  the NATO Summit at Feira Internacional de Lisboa (FIL) on November 19, 2010 in Lisbon, Portugal. The two day summit will address issues including a new strategic concept for NATO. Britain and the US will also seek an agreement to hand over responsibility for security in Afghanistan to local forces over the next four years.

                                       Obama, Gul, Papandreou and Cameron, NATO Summit, Lisbon, 19 November 2010



Obama: Synagogues targeted in possible terror plot

                                                President Barack Obama is Briefed on Suspicious Packages Found on Cargo Planes Bound for the United States


Osama Bin Laden Approves Impending Attack



'Credible But Not Specific' Threat of New Terrorist Attack
Officials in Europe, US on High Alert for Commando-Style Raids After Capture of Suspected German Terrorist

Sept. 28, 2010

US and European officials said Tuesday they have detected a plot to carry out a major, coordinated series of commando-style terror attacks in Britain, France, Germany and possibly the United States.

A senior US official said that while there is a "credible" threat, no specific time or place is known. President Obama has been briefed about the threat, say senior US officials.

FinalCall.com: Has the truth been told about 9-11?

link:  http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/article_7307.shtml

FinalCall.com News

National News
Has truth been told about 9-11?
By Saeed Shabazz -Staff Writer-
Updated Sep 28, 2010 - 12:09:50 PM

Has truth been told about 9-11?

By Saeed Shabazz -Staff Writer- | Last updated: Sep 28, 2010 - 12:09:50 PM

Photos: AP/Wide World Photos

Call for probe ignites controversy, but many still say September 11 tragedy needs investigation

UNITED NATION - (FinalCall.com) After President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke before world leaders and the international press at the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly, an uproar followed and the United States expressed outrage at his remarks.


James Douglass speaking tour: "JFK, Obama, and the Unspeakable"

James W. Douglass, author of "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters" (Orbis, 2008), will be on a speaking tour in the Northeastern US, Sept 30 - Oct 6. This superbly documented book is perhaps the most important among hundreds written on the JFK assassination.  Douglass is a highly esteemed and well-published author, professor, Catholic theologian, co-founder of Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth, and a lifelong antiwar activist and nuclear disarmament advocate.

Douglass is under contract with Orbis Books (in conjunction with Simon & Schuster) for publication of a trilogy, on the political assassinations of the 1960's, including those of JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In his powerful new book, JFK and the Unspeakable:  Why He Died and Why It Matters, Douglass explores JFK's transformation from a conventional Cold Warrior to someone who was determined to pull the world back from the brink of apocalypse -- a transformation undertaken by JFK, Douglass writes, which then led, inexorably, to his execution, by those determined to nullify, and even exterminate his vision.  Only by unmasking those forces of what is so clearly "Unspeakable," he argues, can we possibly free ourselves, and our country, so that we may yet pursue a global vision of peace, justice and meaningful democracy for all.

James and his wife Shelley were co-founders of the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in 1977, inspired by opposition to the Trident Nuclear Submarine Base near Seattle, Wash.; and, of Mary’s House, a Catholic Worker hospitality house in downtown Birmingham, Alabama. 

Six lecture/presentations in New England, starting Thursday, Sept. 30th until Tuesday, Oct. 5th; concluding with a seventh in Philadelphia, Pa., on Wednesday, Oct. 6th:

September30       Portland, Maine
October 1         Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 2         Leverett, Massachusetts
October 3         Weston, Vermont
October 4         New Britain, Connecticut
October 5         Worcester, Massachusetts
October 6         Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Menace of 9/11 myths......NYPost........


This seems to be the beginning of a major mission to paint the 9/11 truth movement as dangerous.  Read David Ray Griffin's new book, "Cognitive Infiltration" for an update on the thinking in the Obama administration (his appointee Cass Sunstein particularly) of how the growing "menace" can be contained.  It would not be surprising if there is soon a 9/11 truther, or group, framed in some kind of violent crime, after which almost any method of containing the truth movement will seem acceptable to most Americans.


Updated: Sun., Sep. 26, 2010, 6:57 AM home

Menace of 9/11 myths

Last Updated: 6:57 AM, September 26, 2010

Posted: 2:52 AM, September 26, 2010

Let's be kind. Let's say it was a coincidence that, at about the same time the Iranian madman was at the UN spewing his nonsense that 9/11 was an "inside job," the Pakistani terror mom was in a downtown courtroom claiming Israelis destroyed the Twin Towers.

Now let's be honest. The only coincidence was the timing. The similar content of the two claims illustrates a growing menace in the Muslim world.

The myth-making about 9/11 is spreading, and so is the danger. Nine years after the mass murder by Islamic terrorists, conspiracy theories are deflecting Muslim guilt and inflaming a new generation of jihadists, many of them living in the West.

It is comforting for Americans to dismiss the "truthers" as crackpots since they are the same kind of people who celebrated as the towers and the Pentagon were burning. But the increasing boldness of the wild claims is an alarming indication of how widely accepted they are among mainstream Mideast audiences. We ignore this new phenomenon at our peril.

While Westerners

Ahmadinejad: He isn't backing down, at all!

Iran calls for Real 9/11 tribunal

An International Lawyer Says Ahmadinejad is Rational and Correct. Excellent interview.

Watch the video, at:  http://www.presstv.ir/detail/143885.html

 'Americans seek probe into 9/11'

Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:51AM

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An international lawyer says many now question the truth behind the 9/11 attacks, and that American citizens are demanding an international probe into the incident.

"Ahmadinejad is absolutely rational and correct on this, that the American people are now coming to the point of demanding an international inquiry (into the 9/11 attacks), " Franklin Lamb told Press TV.

The Beirut-based lawyer was referring to remarks by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his address to the 65th UN General Assembly that the 9/11 incident might have been the result of an inside job in the United States.

"This call [for an international investigation] didn't start in the Middle East. It stated more than a year ago in Canada, in Europe, in Latin America, and increasingly in America itself," he continued.

"There are just too many questions raised by architects, by pilots, by experts, by engineers, by [US Department of] Homeland Security employees and the FBI," the international lawyer reiterated.

"There is every reason to have an inquiry and the [US President Barack] Obama administration should join this call, not oppose it," he underlined.

The lawyer added what President Ahmadinejad said was a 'logical proposal' and that "the president of Iran is now in synchronization with the majority of the American people."

Tehran raps Obama's "offhand" reaction.

 This is great!  I hope much of the world is listening in to these statements.
