OCCUPY DALLAS and “9/11 Truth”
Sometimes, even 9/11 Truthers are duped by the media's deceptions. They do not realize how large our 9/11 Truth Movement has grown in recent years. A tremendous number of people are aware of 9/11 Truth. A tremendous number. This fact is not reported by the media.
The crowds at "Occupy Dallas" are proof to the growing number of people who are aware of 9/11 Truth.
Despite what the media reported, at its peak there were more than 1,000 people who showed up for "Occupy Dallas" on Thursday October 6th.
At around 11:20am, I repeatedly drove up and down the streets and had an opportunity to assess the size of the crowd as it was marching near and then finally to the noon destination of The Federal Reserve. Both sides of a very long city block were packed with people marching, and on the fringe areas many, many protesters were coming and going, or taking a drink/restroom break.
Before joining the crowd, I drove slowly by the crowds of protesters with a "9/11 Truth" sign in my car's side window. Even I was surprised as the segments in the lines of people repeatedly cheered and rallied for 9/11 Truth. All along the line of protesters, I repeatedly heard: "9/11 Truth!! Yea!!!" with people whooping cheers in support of 9/11 Truth. The impression was that the entire crowd of protesters was almost unanimous in support of 9/11 Truth. While I am sure that not everyone in the crowd was aware of 9/11 Truth, the image of the full group support will probably prompt many to do their homework.