
Operation Iraq Forever

Operation Iraq Forever

by Manuel Valenzuela

Catastrophic Success

The occupation of Iraq, still illegal and immoral by any sense of human understanding, has now run into its fourth bloody and horrific year, becoming a quagmire for America and a vast killing field for Iraqis. Indeed, for Iraqis, America’s invasion and subsequent occupation has been and will continue to be one massive war crime, an onslaught of criminality against humanity not seen since World War Two. It is they, the Iraqi people, who have undergone tremendous hardship, and it is they who will continue to suffer in horrific ways, due to the lunacy and delusions of America’s miscreant leaders. Indeed, hell on Earth has been imported into Iraq without so much as a care, concern or bother from the American people, without so much as a protest or two by the world entire.

The Great Anglo-American Energy Miscalculation?

The Great Anglo-American Energy Miscalculation?

In far off countries, about which we know little, deals are being struck that will bring exasperation and ever increasing degrees of desperation to the "Anglo-American Military Industrial Complex's" aspirations of controlling the world energy markets.

There are hot wars, and there are cold wars, both are going on right now. The general public is largely oblivious to them both. The hot wars are in Afghanistan and Iraq, these are waged for the very same reasons that the cold ones are currently being fought out. The most obvious cold war currently is the war against Iran, but a few degrees cooler than this is the war being carried out against Russia.

The spOILs of War

This was last Sunday's headline story for The Independent, a U.K news paper. It confirms all our suspicions, even though the politicians swear blind that it wasn't about raping another countries oil reserves, and gaining a foothold in the Middle East - just like the PNAC laid out.

"Iraq's massive oil reserves, the third-largest in the world, are about to be thrown open for large-scale exploitation by Western oil companies under a controversial law which is expected to come before the Iraqi parliament within days."

read the whole article here: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/article2132569.ece

Where is this world heading?

I probably dont need to go into much detail as to how and why i have ended up here. Im sure most of us went through the same process of become your own personal investigator on events and collected evidence and drew your own conclusions based on what we personally found.
Like everyone i did my research. I have also tried my best to present the evidence to those who were uninformed and or misinformed. At that point i ran into something interesting.
I started to ask myself what now? I started searching for answers, for something to guide me further. I searched looking for some solutions that we informed people may have presented. This act alone shows that we have lost or dont use our abilities to create solutions....think for ourselves. This act justifies the governments position to believe that most americans are unable to live in a free society. We the people have chosen not to be involved in the governments decisions. We the people have stopped demanding to make the government accountable. We the people have become so wrapped up in out own lives that we have lost what our forefathers created for us.

All that being said i will present a theory of mine that supports what may be the real reason why the shadow government acts as they do.

Torture may be worse now in Iraq

The back and legs of an Iraqi who was allegedly tortured by the Iraqi police
Allegations of severe torture have regularly emerged from Iraq

Torture may be worse now in Iraq than under former leader Saddam Hussein, the UN's chief anti-torture expert says.

Manfred Nowak said the situation in Iraq was "out of control", with abuses being committed by security forces, militia groups and anti-US insurgents.

Bodies found in the Baghdad morgue "often bear signs of severe torture", said the human rights office of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq in a report.

The wounds confirmed reports given by refugees from Iraq, Mr Nowak said.

He told journalists at a briefing in Geneva that he had yet to visit Iraq, but he was able to base his information on autopsies and interviews with Iraqis in neighbouring Jordan.

Iraqi Oil worth 29 trillion (times 10!)

According to the US dept of energy Iraq contains 112 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, the second largest in the world (behind Saudi Arabia) along with roughly 220 billion barrels of probable and possible resources. Iraqâ??s true potential may be far greater than this, however, as the country is relatively unexplored due to years of war and sanctions. Deep oil-bearing formations located mainly in the vast Western Desert region, for instance, could yield large additional oil resources (possibly another 100 billion barrels), but have not been explored.

That makes 432 billion barrels times todays oil price per barrel, 67 dollars - something like 29 trillion dollars

Trillions in oil revenues is not the only money to be made from the invasion of iraq - the cost of the Iraq war to the taxpayerswas is budgeted at over 318 billion dollars . All of the weapons, uniforms, bases, vehicles, fuels, food and its preparation - all are purchased from private corporations. According to the national priorities project, an non proit that analyzes where federal dollars are spent - more than 28 billion of the total will be paid by the people of New York State - that 28 billion is enough to convert 93,743,138 homes to renewable electricity - according to the 2000 census, there were 105,480,101 occupied housinf units in the united states - just the money paid for the Iraq war by the people of New York state in enough to convert around 90 percent of Amwerican homes to renewable energy.