Open Response

An Open Response to Dennis Prager's Slanderous Hit-Piece

This is my open response to Dennis Prager's recent hit piece against conspiracy theorists that I put on and emailed to Mr. Prager himself. I have also included a rough recording of a recent phone call to his radio show.

Click here to watch 'Dennis-Prager-says--You-need-helpIts-like-whether-slavery-happened-'

I apologize for my rather poor efforts at communicating the profundity of 9-11 Truth that groggy morning. I post it more to show how he failed to respond to me and his horrendous attempt to group me with holocaust and slavery deniers. I could not allow this to float without serious reprisal. Look also for a future open letter to Christopher Hitchens who gave me personally the middle finger for asking a probing and appropriate question at his talk at the Los Angeles Public Library a few weeks ago. More on how that went down later.

"Mental Infantilization in Post-Coup USA"