Peter Dale Scott
Peter Dale Scott - "The Road to 9/11" - a review.
(You can hear Peter Dale Scott talk about "The Road to 9/11", in this interview with Bonnie Faulkner, which aired October 10, 2007.)
(A slightly older video here, from August 8, 2007 - good biographical background on Scott, as well as a long talk about the book.)
"9/11 was the largest homicide by far in American history, yet it has never been adequately investigated. The public has been told of a conspiracy that included terrorist conspirators organized and financed abroad. But if U.S. defenses had functioned on that day as they had previously, the four planes at a minimum should have been intercepted by fighter aircraft. Yet we are told that even this did not happen. There is a domestic side to 9/11 as well, about which we still know next to nothing. Key evidence requested by the commission was initially withheld until subpoenas were issued, and some evidence was deliberately destroyed. Worse, there are systematic suppressions of evidence in the 9/11 Commission Report itself, along with unresolved contradictions in testimony and occasional misrepresentations of some crucial facts.
This chapter and the next will explore these issues and make the case that Vice President Cheney is himself a suspect in the events of 9/11 who needs to be investigated further."
- Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11, p.194 (emphasis added)
In a major new book from the The University of California Press, author Peter Dale Scott turns up the heat on the George Walker Bush administration, (with a spotlight focused firmly on Vice President Cheney), and presents a carefully researched scholarly volume that offers several challenges to the official narrative of 9/11 as presented in the 9/11 Commission Report.
Scott's case against Cheney is presented toward the end of a text that is much more than just another volume focused on the events of 9/11. With the craftsmanship of a published author and English Professor, Scott uses his expertise to take the reader on a guided tour of recent American history, placing 9/11 within a context-rich environment rife with malfeasance, malice, and the never-ending meddling of rich and powerful entities, through proxy politicians and organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Heritage Foundation.
William Rodriguez, Peter Dale Scott, Cindy Sheehan at Grand Lake
William Rodriguez gave a stirring talk about his experiences during the collapse of the North Tower on Sept 11, 2001. William also covered the international appearances and wide press coverage he's received , especially in Central America, while on his speaking tour. Once again, Carol Brouillet scores a 10 for putting this event together with Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance.
On hand were Cindy Sheehan and Peter Dale Scott.
Photos courtesy of John Parulis, working sound with Guns & Butter's Yarrow Mahko:
Prof. Peter Dale Scott publishes: ""9/11, JFK, and War: Recurring Patterns in America’s Deep Events."
Professor Peter Dale Scott adds another well-researched paper to the Journal of 9/11 Studies: "9/11, JFK, and War: Recurring Patterns in America’s Deep Events."
One peer-reviewer writes: "It is an amazing paper."
Another: " It should be a fine addition to the high standards seen in all the articles published to date.
You are to be congratulated."
Prof. Scott writes: "If history is what is recorded, then deep history is the sum of events which tend to be officially obscured or even suppressed in traditional books and media. Important recent deep events include the political assassinations of the 1960s, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and now 9/11. All these deep events have involved what I call the deep state, that part of the state which is not publicly accountable, and pursues its goals by means which will not be approved by a public examination. The CIA (with its on-going relationships to drug-traffickers) is an obvious aspect of the deep state, but not the only one, perhaps not even the dirtiest."
Gatekeeper off taking a bio-break?
I figure that the Buzzflash Gatekeeper on Duty must have been of for a bio-break when they let this article slip in. ;-)
Submitted by BuzzFlash on Tue, 10/09/2007 - 10:27am. Steven Jonas
In's Review (10/5/07) of The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America by Peter Dale Scott, it is said in part that "Dale raises vital unanswered questions about the emergence of the secret state within a state in the United States, while avoiding the pitfall of descending into adamant conspiracy theories." I'm not quite sure what the term "adamant conspiracy theories" means. However, when one is accusing the present Republican Administration of engaging in one or more conspiracies, say to topple Constitutional Democracy here at home, the other invariably side responds with, "oh, that's just another conspiracy theory ["adamant" or otherwise] you lefties like to throw around."
Buzzflash Reviews The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America
Buzzflash is a left gatekeeper website that hasn't touched 9/11 with a 10-foot pole. So when they favorably review a book touching on 9/11, that's news.
This is a brilliant book, impeccably documented, that sees the executive branch of the American goverment through a prism of skepticism and alarm, bolstered by heavily footnoted sources.
Dale raises vital unanswered questions about the emergence of the secret state within a state in the United States, while avoiding the pitfall of descending into adamant conspiracy theories.
Yet, Dale gets to the heart of the underlying conspiracy at the heart of what is basically the Cheney Administration, a parallel secret government run by those who believe that they must make decisions on behalf of the rabble of democracy, because democracy cannot be trusted and is too cumbersome.
Prof. Peter Dale Scott publishes: "9/11 Commission Deception, Cheney’s Actions on 9/11, and Why He Should Testify Under Oath"
Professor Peter Dale Scott has written an insightful and provocative paper, published today in the Journal of 9/11 Studies. Excerpts from the paper:
"The 9/11 Commission Report is an example of concerted cover-up, partly by omissions, and just as importantly by its cherry-picking of evidence to create impressions that are in fact authoritatively disputed, and in some cases probably not true. There are many examples of cherry-picking and contrived simulations of fact. More importantly, there is a consistent pattern in this: to minimize Cheney’s responsibility for what happened that day."
"In this presentation I have focused on anomalies in the behavior, especially on 9/11, of Richard Cheney. He, and Donald Rumsfeld and others, should testify, under oath, about
1) The June 1 JCS Order requiring highest-level approvals for intercepts of off-course planes,
2) The contested time of Cheney’s arrival in the Presidential bunker,
3) Cheney’s orders with respect to a plane approaching Washington, and did this occur around 9:27 AM (as testified to by Mineta), or 10:15 AM (as per the 9/11 Report)?
Review: The Road to 9/11 by Peter Dale Scott
{I wrote this review to appeal to a mainsteam audience and sneak past the gatekeepers. A fresh copy can be found on MyDD -- feel free to rate and add comments. I posted it on Daily Kos as well, a few days ago, with a special paragraph just to diffuse any attempts at censorship. Alas, due to some technical issues, I think it didn't get read much.}
I was able to get an advance copy of Peter Dale Scott's new book The Road to 9/11 from its publisher (University of California Press) so I thought I would share my review of it here. It will be available in your local bookstores this month, perhaps on the 11th itself. exclusive: Peter Dale Scott: "JFK, 9/11 and War"
A video version of this talk with slightly different text is available on DVD from as part of the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference package. -rep.
By Dr. Peter Dale Scott
Saturday, August 18 2007
In American history there are two types of event: ordinary events which the information systems of the country can understand and establish. There are also deep events, or meta-events, which the mainstream information systems of the country cannot digest. I mean by a “deep event” an event in which it is clear from the outset that there are aspects which will not be dealt with in the mainstream media, and will be studied only by those so-called “conspiracy theorists” who specialize in deep history.
The events I shall discuss today exhibit continuities with each other and with other deep events, notably the Iran-Contra affair of the mid 1980s and the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995. But the three I shall discuss today – the JFK assassination, the initial Watergate break-ins, and 9/11 – are outstanding in this respect: that while they were attributed to insignificant and very marginal people, they had momentous impact, far more than most daily events by more important people, in redirecting American history. 1
If history is what is recorded, then deep history is the sum of events which tend to be officially obscured or even suppressed in traditional books and media. Important recent deep events include the political assassinations of the 1960s, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and now 9/11. All these deep events have involved what I call the deep state, that part of the state which is not publicly accountable, and pursues its goals by means which will not be approved by a public examination. The CIA (with its on-going relationships to drug-traffickers) is an obvious aspect of the deep state, but not the only one, perhaps not even the dirtiest.
When I talk of a deep state, this term (as opposed to others, like deep politics), is not my own invention. It is a translation of the Turkish gizli devlet, or derin devlet, a term used to describe the networks revealed by the so-called Susurluk incident of 1996, when the victims traveling together in what became a deadly car crash were identified as "an MP, a police chief, a beauty queen and her lover, a top Turkish gangster and hitman called Abdullah Catli.” The giveaway was that “Catli, a heroin trafficker on Interpol's wanted list, was carrying a diplomatic passport signed by none other than the Turkish Interior Minister himself.” 2 He was carrying narcotics with him at the time of the crash. 3
The study of these deep events has slowly become more respectable in the almost half-century since the JFK assassination. A major reason has been the emergence of the Internet and other forms of new media, where the same deep events tend to get far more extensive treatment. 4 If the new media come in time to prevail over the priorities of the old, it is possible that we will see a paradigm shift with respect to what is appropriate for serious public discourse.
What I have learned over the years is that it is helpful to look at all these deep events together. This is true for both external reasons (how the nation and its media handle deep history) and for internal reasons (the content of deep events themselves)...
Read Peter Dale Scott's new book ASAP
My copy of Peter Dale Scott's new book 'The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire and the Future of America" arrived this afternoon. I am on page 5 of the introduction but I can already say "read this book ASAP".
Exclusive GNNTV Excerpt: The Road To 9/11: Wealth, Empire, And The Future Of America
By Dr. Peter Dale Scott
Tue, 14 Aug 2007 10:11:57 -0500
Terror, oil and the "shadow government"
In this exclusive excerpt from his powerful new book, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press), UC Berkeley professor emeritus Peter Dale Scott asks whether there is a connection between America’s historical use of terror as a political weapon and the recent moves by the Bush administration to suspend the Constitution and create a “shadow government” in the wake of the next terrorist attack:
The strategy of tension in Europe and America
The idea that sectors of government might sponsor extremists in acts of terrorism against their own people is, initially, almost unthinkable. Yet this unthinkable possibility has clearly happened in Italy, with the celebrated bombings of Milan’s Piazza Fontana in 1969 and the Bologna railway station in 1980. (Sixteen people were killed in Milan, and eighty-five in Bologna.) Although anarchists took part in these bombings, and were initially blamed for them, it developed that the bombings were part of a “strategy of tension” orchestrated by Italian military intelligence.1
The responsibility of Italian intelligence services has been definitively established by Italian courts and parliamentary investigations. As Stanford historian Thomas Sheehan wrote in the New York Review of Books, “Later the [Piazza Fontana] massacre was traced to two neofascists, Franco Freda and Giovanni Ventura, and to an agent of the Secret Services (SID) named Guido Giannettini. Giannettini fled the country, but continued to receive checks from SID for a full year. He and three high SID officials were eventually jailed for conspiracy in the massacre.”2
But the Italians found responsible have implicated U.S. covert actions in Italy, beginning with the efforts by the Office of Policy Coordination to defeat the Communists in the 1948 Italian elections. General Vito Miceli, the Italian head of military intelligence, after his arrest in 1974 on a charge of conspiring to overthrow the government, testified “that the incriminated organization, which became known as the ‘Parallel SID,’ was formed under a secret agreement with the United States and within the framework of NATO.”3
Former Italian defense minister Paulo Taviani told Magistrate Casson during a 1990 investigation “that during his time in office (1955–58), the Italian secret services were bossed and financed by ‘the boys in Via Veneto’—i.e. the CIA agents in the U.S. Embassy in the heart of Rome.”4 In 2000 “an Italian secret service general said . . . that the CIA gave its tacit approval to a series of bombings in Italy in the 1970s to sow instability and keep communists from taking power. . . . ‘The CIA wanted, through the birth of an extreme nationalism and the contribution of the far right, particularly Ordine Nuovo, to stop (Italy) sliding to the left,’ he said.”5
Seminal Book Released – A Cornerstone for the Truth Movement
Peter Dale Scott's historic new book, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America, is now available.
The importance of this publication should not be underestimated. Published by the University of California Press, Scott's new book goes further than any other book so far published about 9/11, to identify and establish through unimpeachable documentary evidence the historic factors that have made the crime of 9/11 and its cover-up possible. More than this, The Road to 9/11 demonstrates exactly how it has happened over the past half century that American democracy has been fundamentally undermined, and, vitally, how it can be re-established.
The Road To 9/11: Wealth, Empire, And The Future Of America
Dr. Scott is one of the greatest assets the 9/11 Truth Movement has. I thank him for every contribution. - Jon
You can pre-purchase the book here.
"Scott's brilliantly perceptive account of the underpinnings of American governmental authority should be made required reading. The book vividly depicts the political forces that have pushed this country toward an abyss, threatening constitutional democracy at home and world peace abroad. Its central message can be understood as an urgent wake-up call to everyone concerned with the future of America."--Richard Falk, author of The Great Terror War
- Jon Gold's blog
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FEMA Runs from Confrontation on WTC7 and Camps
FEMA Runs from Confrontation on WTC7 and Camps
FEMA Admits Role of Informing, Monitoring and Controlling Media During Emergency Operations Like the September 11 Attacks
Aaron Dykes / | July 24, 2007
New York - Reporters from and confronted high ranking officials from FEMA on the agency's involvement in misinformation on 9/11 as well as the existence of many hundreds of FEMA camps across the country and in most major cities-- something officials obviously didn't want to discuss.
One such official, Henry Jackson, was working in WTC Building 7 up until its collapse on 9/11. He currently serves as Deputy Commissioner for Technology and spoke at the public event.
FEMA officials briefed the audience on hazard plans for covering "most scenarios," including operations to corral media into centralized reporting locations, monitoring media feeds and "controlling information." That includes informing the public about ongoing emergency situations.
The FEMA chieftan also discussed evacuation on 9/11 and spoke about FEMA's prime role in providing updates on the situation throughout the crisis. Hundreds of police and fire fighters, as well as former Mayor Giuliani were told beforehand that Building 7 would be 'coming down.' Additionally, several media stations, including the BBC and CNN reported the improbable collapse of WTC7 more than twenty minutes before the building actually fell. FEMA explained in its presentation that one of its chief duties is providing information to the media, as well as monitoring and correcting, if necessary, reports by the media.
See also...
10-Year U.S. Strategic Plan For Detention Camps Revives Proposals From Oliver North by Peter Dale Scott.
Peter Dale Scott: 9/11, Canada, Left Gatekeepers & Zelikow
Peter Dale Scott: 9/11, Canada, Left Gatekeepers & Zelikow
Interviewed at the Vancouver 9/11 Conference, June 2007
Veteran political analysis Peter Dale Scott critiques the role of
left gatekeepers for their superficial analysis of American politics
which leaves the criminal structure intact.
courtesy of Snowshoe Films
Vancouver Conference Day Two
Day Two of the Vancouver conference saw an approximate repeat of the attendance numbers of Friday, but along with speakers on the main stage, there were several presentations in a breakout room and a Q&A by Webster Tarpley in another auxiliary room. The quantity and quality of information coming from the presentations that I was able to check out was excellent.
The day started out with presentations by Barrie Zwicker on the main stage and Peter Dale Scott in the breakout room. Zwicker addressed the mainstream media's lopsided approach to presenting 9/11 skepticism, and offered some critiques that mirror what you will find in the new issue of Global Outlook. Scott refreshed his talk about JFK & 9/11, with additional deep political analysis about the Watergate break-in, and similarities between these three, (on the surface), very different events. Peter Dale Scott was preceded by a new researcher, Andrew Marshal, who gave a very astute analysis of the current Canadian political situation in regard to elite players forging the North American Union.