Peter Thottaam

Special "Worst President Ever" Presidents' Day Show on Dynamic Duo Monday 2/17

George W. Bush's legacy will include his complicity in 9/11 high treason and mass murder. "Worst president ever" doesn't even begin to do justice to this level of betrayal.

To celebrate the (hopefully) impending end of Bush's reign of terror--the last Presidents' Day with this incurious, sadistic borderline psychopath fouling up the White House--I have invited two of America's leading impeachment activists: Peter Thottam of and LA 9/11 Truth and Debra Sweet of

I understand that Peter may be turning away from impeachment activism toward supporting Obama, which I'm not sure is a good idea. Webster Tarpley has made a good case that Obama is a dangerous NWO front-man, and that Hilary, for all her faults, would be a small step toward reorienting the political system in favor of ordinary working people, who are being bled dry by the NWO globalists.