
Chomsky and Newman - The False Debate

In preparing for my recent interview with Kevin Barrett on June 6, since I knew he wanted to talk about Noam Chomsky, I had the dubious pleasure of reviewing my own correspondence (1989-1995) with the man who seems to have become, in addition to the world's most famous linguist and leftist dissident, the most famous "left gatekeeper." I may have had more than a little to do with that, since I published three articles based on our correspondence (and his book Rethinking Camelot), and eventually the correspondence itself (my letters and summaries of his replies) on the internet, later included in my book Looking for the Enemy (2007).

[read more at http://www.mdmorrissey.info/falsedebate ]

Week-old Daily Kos 9/11 Poll

From a week-old poll on Daily Kos regarding discussion of 9/11 at http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/6/21/104514/131

"Cognitive Dissonance on Daily Kos: The 9/11 ‘Policy’ and Michael Moore
by posse comitatus

Thu Jun 21, 2007 at 08:49:05 AM PDT

What happens when one of the champions of the progressive movement, who has led the fight against government corruption, corporatism and globalization by making Academy Award winning documentaries, has his comments banned from a leading liberal blog? And what’s more, this same liberal blog that censors his comments, currently runs an ad for his huge, groundbreaking new film on the top of their front page!

Should Daily Kos Revise its Policy on Discussion of 9/11?
54% 88 votes
45% 73 votes
2% 3 votes

164 votes"

Go ahead and vote; it's still open.