pull it

Does "Pull it" = controlled demolition?

So, I was visiting the website 911research.wtc7.net the other day and I saw there a whole page (http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/pullit.html) devoted to Larry Silverstein and his alleged admission about the controlled demolition of WTC 7. This, of course, was dealing with his now famous quote during the PBS documentary entitled "America Rebuilds," which aired on September 10, 2002. The quote again:

"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

At the bottom of this page, 911research.wtc7.net has a heading/section called "A Closer Look" in which the writers say:

Silverstein: Pull it!

Warm greetings to all truthers!

The Larry Silverstein quote "pull it", has for long been pending as a confession of a controlled demolition, among us, and in several videos.
Even though it could be interpreted as demolition-slang, I believe it is not plausible enough to be presented as a confession.

When firefighters abandon a building (pull people out), they do use the term 'pull it'. But this is not all. I find it extremely implausible, that the firefighters should have been able to do it, concerning time, experience, expertise and option.

I see it as the only logical conclusion, that the firefighters did not have a role in the demolition of WTC7, but that it must have been caused by pre-placed explosives. As thus the words "pull it", in the conversation between Silverstein and the fire-chief, must have meant pulling firefighters out.

My plea to you, fellow truthers, is to drop arguements like that. It makes more damage to our credibility, than it helps.

Vive la revolution!

Kenneth Poulsen


A fellow researcher presented this link today on a german forum, I think it is a must see, and I'm wondering why this has so little views.

Why did so many insiders go out of their way to incriminate themselves?



If it stops around the second half just go on a few seconds with the mouse.

Pull "pull it" from our talking points

The purpose of this blog is to suggest rhetorical strategies for refining the 9/11 Truth talking points. As more so-called debunking sites appear, we cannot ignore them and proceed in an echo chamber of self-congratulation. We must adjust our message to reflect a wider selection of evidence.

In this first entry, I would like to suggest dropping references to Larry Silverstein's famous "pull it" comment in the 2002 PBS documentary. Most Truthers believe Silverstein means "demolish building 7". Critics charge he really means "pull the personnel from building 7".

I recommend avoiding Silverstein's remark not because I think WTC7 fell via a gravitational collapse, but for the following reasons:

  • both interpretations are plausible, so an audience is forced to accept one on the basis of predisposition alone
  • it does not change the physical evidence one way or another
  • for some, this charge reinforces the unfair accusation that 9/11 Truth is about "blaming the Jews"; notice, for example, how this reasonable argument devolves quickly into a discussion of "Zionist circles"; later, Killtown makes excellent points about Silverstein coincidentally having a doctor's appointment the morning of 9/11, but this information will be overshadowed in a debate by ad hominem attacks