Rick Siegel

Jim Fetzer Interviews Rick Siegel Today on GCN

Rick Siegel will be appearing with Jim Fetzer on GCN to discuss Disinfo and Misinfo today Feb 6 at 3PM CST.


"9/11 Eyewitness" is Probably Disinformation


"Blue Star Media Group" and Rick Siegel are suspect. Look at the speculative, misleading crap in the above trailer for "WMD at the WTC." The film actually claims that "directed energy hydrogen fusion" or thermonuclear devices were used to bring down the towers.

While their production quality and promotion is surprisingly strong (well funded) they seem to make up most of their "evidence" out of thin air.

The original "9/11 Eyewitness" arrived on the scene last year out of nowhere with a slick promotional burst and wide distribution. The "new evidence" in the movie seemed to be stretching it (to say the least) and the myopic focus on controlled demolition was quite suspicious.

Rick Siegel and friends appear to maintain the following slick websites:


None of these sites seem to link to credible 9/11 research and they all appear to be template module sites meant to look professional, respectable, and active. They mostly only link to each other and repeat the same content.