Ron Schalow

Book: 'Bullshit Artist: The 9/11 Leadership Myth' by Ron Schalow

The True September 11 Legacy of George W. Bush

What Did the President Do on 9/11? Why Wonder?

Where was the Commander-in-Chief for the first 41 minutes after Flight 11 was hijacked?

What did he do for the 7 minutes before entering the classroom?

How many first thoughts did George have after being told, "America is under attack"?

How many dozens of excuses did the Bushies put forth for the Presidents 7 minutes of sitting?

What did the Leader of the Free World do for 18 minutes after leaving the classroom?

Where was the Decider for the first 33 minutes after leaving the school?

Even though his term has mercifully ended, George W. Bush and his gang continue to spread the bull as part of his "Legacy Project." They are determined to rewrite history, but the facts don't make for much of a legacy, so all they can do is spin events, lie, and hope that people will forget the details over time. Learn the truth, and spread the truth, and don't allow the history of the Bush presidency to become one of false fables.