September Eleventh Advocates

9/11 Families Start New Project Asking You To Make A Video Calling For The Passage Of JASTA

The September Eleventh Advocate and several other family members have started a new project they call the "9/11 Families' Accountability Video Project." You can go to their page on Facebook here:


August 18, 2016

Dear 9/11 Families, Survivors and American Citizens,

As we face the upcoming 15th Anniversary of 9/11 with no accountability for the murder of our loved ones, we desperately need your help.
Please join us in the 9/11 Families' Accountability VIDEO Project and have your voice heard by President Obama and Congress.

Don't let the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continue to get away with their alleged funding of mass murder and terrorist attacks. Let's work together to hold the Saudis accountable in a court of law.

What Was The 9/11 Family Steering Committee?

The 9/11 Family Steering Committee’s Website:

9/11 Family Members Lorie Van Auken and Mindy Kleinberg’s report on how poorly the 9/11 Commission answered their questions:

A collection of statements from the September Eleventh Advocates (“Jersey Girls”) since the time of the 9/11 Commission:

They have made many more.

Condi Rice: Here's Your 9/11 Smoking Gun


By Kristen Breitweiser - 9/11 widow and activist
Posted: 10/30/2015

Dear Condi:

I'm going to keep this really simple.

In response to your comment that you could personally "plead guilty" to not having imagined terrorists would use passenger aircraft as weapons→please stop lying.

As proof, I provide the "Iron Man" documents from the Asymmetrical Threats Division of Joint Forces Intelligence Command (JFIC), also known as DO5, whose task it was to track UBL from mid 1998-mid 2001.

I would first note that you were National Security Advisor to the President of the United States -- that means that you had pretty much access to anything and everything available regarding terrorist threats from groups like Al Qaeda.

Fourteen years later, everyone now knows about the summer of 2001 and the more than one dozen intelligence reports blinking red about an impending Al Qaeda terrorist attack. There was the August 6 PDB, FAA reports, CIA reports, DoD reports, and FBI reports -- all indicating and discussing terrorist cells inside the US planning attacks inside the US.

What most people don't know about is the smoking gun report from JFIC, DO5.

Statement of September 11th Advocates Regarding Guantanamo Bay Military Tribunals ... No Justice for 9/11 Victims Found Here

For Immediate Release
May 4, 2012

It would seem that the U.S. Government found itself in a conundrum when they allowed prisoners, like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), to be tortured in secret prisons around the world. Once tortured, any confession or testimony from KSM, or others, could not be deemed reliable. Furthermore, the focus of the eventual proceedings would become a trial about the practice of torture, instead of being a trial about alleged terrorist crimes. That would have been untenable for the U.S. Government, which wants to avoid any and all accountability for their own crimes of torture.

A Response To Bill Moyers

I'd first like to say that I respect both Bill Moyers and Robert Parry, even though I thoroughly disagree with them about their stance on the cover-up of 9/11. Bill Moyers documentary entitled "The Secret Government: The Constitution In Crisis," and Robert Parry's work on the Iran Contra Affair are excellent.

I have little doubt that over the years, Bill Moyers and Robert Parry have received a multitude of emails from people demanding they give attention to the cover-up of 9/11. I have little doubt that a large majority of those emails talked about "crazy" theories, or made accusations of them for not covering certain issues. Unfortunately, there are people in the 9/11 Truth Movement who do these things. I, myself, have been known to write a nastygram on occasion.

The FBI “Kamikaze Pilots” Case

Please disseminate far and wide. Thank you. - Jon


Sibel Edmonds
Tuesday, 1. February 2011

In a public statement issued on Monday, January 31, members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee demanded a prompt response from the former Chairman and the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission regarding Former FBI Language Specialist Behrooz Sarshar’s censored testimony to the Commission. The former commissioners failed to respond to this request.

In February 2004 Behrooz Sarshar provided the 9/11 Commission’s investigators with specific documents and names of the related witnesses, including the full name and contact information of the key “FBI Asset/Informant” in an FBI case titled ‘Kamikaze Pilots.’ However, the commission chose not to contact or interview any of these witnesses, including FBI Director Robert Mueller. The Commission’s final report did not mention a single word of this documented testimony, and their recently released memorandum omitted the entire interview with no explanation provided.

9/11 Family Members Demand Answers from the 9/11 Commission: The Censored Testimony of FBI’s Behrooz Sarshar

Sibel Edmonds

The Witnessed & Documented "Kamikaze Pilots" Case

In a public statement issued today (see below), members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee demanded a prompt response from the former Chairman and Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission regarding Former FBI Language Specialist Behrooz Sarshar’s censored testimony to the Commission. The press release was prompted by recently released documents related to the interviews conducted by the 9/11 Commission published at, in particular the "Memorandum for the Record" containing the Commission’s interview with Mr. Sarshar. The memorandum, after establishing Mr. Sarshar’s credibility and vaguely referring to his documented and witnessed testimony regarding specific tip(s) provided to the FBI in April and June 2001 regarding planned imminent "Kamikaze Pilots" attacks targeting major cities in the United States, leaves out the entire testimony. This testimony was also entirely left out of the Commission’s final report released in July 2004.