social networks

Disinfo agents out there on the social networks

About a week ago, I sent out some tweets on my Twitter Feed concerning the destruction of the World Trade Centre, False Flags in general, and related matters.

No sooner had I done this, than I received a tweet from a lady calling herself "DrBabsie", one Tracy Blevins Postert, Ph. D, which went as follows:

"Challenge to Steven Jones and Niels Harrit: Debate me on thermite. Dr. Tracy Blevins Postert".

Well, naturally enough, as a 911Blogger reader since 2006, I can recognise disinfo. So I had a look at her blog; if anything, I was surprised at just how bad it was - poorly written, and not even close to being convincing. Not surprising at all was the information that she is associated with one, "Dr Judy Woods".

So I sent some tweets back her way; told her she should write a scientific paper like Harrit and Jones did if she wanted to challenge them; and reaffirmed my own staunch support of our best investigators, like Harrit, Jones, Ryan, Gage etc.