Thaddeus McCotter

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Candice Miller (R-Michigan 10th) Office in Shelby Twp. A woman named Erik answered the phone. I was able to leave a message quoting Z.Brezinski's testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (2/1/07) in which he mentions "a plausible scenario for a military involvement with Iran" (in which he later lays out such a scenario involving Iraqi failure to meet benchmarks, etc, blame on Iran for the failure, then a(nother) 9/11-type event (with weapons of mass-destruction, this time?), either in Iraq, or in the US, leading directly to US attack on Iran.), asking that the Representative, in her capacity as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, as well as being on the House Committee on Government Reform, work toward convening a House panel or better, to convene hearings in the House, requesting that Mr Brezinski appear and tell the House and the American people why he believes the scenario is "plausible". I also request the Rep to not forstall or otherwise work against a re-opening of an investigation into 9/11, and, if possible, actively support a new 9/11 investigation in the House.