U.S.-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation

"Why is the MSM (Finally) Reporting on the Petrodollar?" by CorbettReport


Published on Jun 1, 2016 - "Why is the MSM (Finally) Reporting on the Petrodollar?"
SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=18775 https://www.corbettreport.com/why-is-the-msm-finally-reporting-on-the-petrodollar/
Bloomberg is trumpeting "The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia’s 41-Year U.S. Debt Secret," but anyone who is scratching their heads at this non-revelation might well wonder 'Why Bloomberg?' and 'Why now?' Join James in today's Thought For The Day as he examines the latest volleys in the ongoing covert war between the Saudis and the US and the bigger picture of the battle for the global monetary system.
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