Walid Muhammad bin Attash
Desperate Disinformation Campaign
What we are seeing right now is one of the last, pathetic attempts of this administration to save itself from the truth about 9/11. First they rolled out KSM, with his confessions about 9/11 and every other terrorist plot in the last twenty years. As if they really expect us to believe in the first place something which has been entirely mediated through the Pentagon and CIA after three years in a secret torture prison, there are gaping holes in KSM's story. First off, he "admitted" to a terror plot against a building for which the planning didn't even begin until 2006... and yet he's supposedly been in custody for three or four years now. Secondly, he supposedly admits to killing journalist Daniel Pearl. But someone else has already been brought in for that killing- Omar Sheikh. Notice how US-Pakistani relations have been cooling off lately? Maybe it's to do with the fact that Pakistani President General Musharaff outed Omar Sheik about six months ago as an MI-6 agent.