We Are Change Colorado

We Are Change Colorado 11th of the month AE911TRUTH action at DIA

Uploaded by WACCTV on Feb 14, 2012


Each month, We Are Change Colorado hosts an 11th of the month, 9/11 truth action, where we engage the public with free DVDs detailing the chilling evidence that controlled demolitions were used to bring down the three World Trade Center towers that collapsed, at near free-fall speed on September 11, 2001. This month, we decided to go back to the New World Airport, also known as Denver International Airport (DIA). Although there is plenty of talk whether or not Denver is the headquarters of the New World Order, with its many deep underground military bases scattered across the front-range and brand new federal courthouses/ jails undergoing construction in downtown, we stuck to just 9/11 for this action. It's just too easy; say it with me now everyone... nine-point-eight-meters-per-second-squared-physics-doesn't-lie.

The Democratic National Convention Looks Like A Good Place Not To Be

By Jonathan | TruthAlliance.net | Jul. 1, 2008

We Are Change Colorado has now become aware that another group, Unconventional Action, is planning on being violent at the DNC protests.

To make the long story short, Unconventional Action seems to be open about their plans for the DNC. Their website, which can be found here: http://www.unconventionalaction.org/ has one link which is pretty disturbing.

Under the link, "The Strategies: How We Win," a section titled: Denver: Disrupt the DNC, clearly outlines for "Anarchists and Anti-Authoritarians" to "join (them) in Denver, Colorado, August 24th-28th as (they) engage in coordinated Direct Actions against the Democratic National Convention, its corporate sponsors, and the military/police occupation of public space."

Full Story: http://www.truthalliance.net/Archive/tabid/67/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/1132/Default.aspx

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