Week of Truth 2.0

Week of Truth 2.0

EDIT: The next WOT project will be more interative than this blog entry suggests. Please go and make your voice heard at the new WOT forum: http://weekoftruth.org/forum/index.php

(One last kick for ideas...)

This blog entry and ensuing thread is to gather ideas and tactics for the next Week of Truth project.

Where should we focus our energy next?

Please propose an event(s) or product to target, and let's try to work from the ground up this time. Then, I can present a united package from 911blogger.com users, to the coordinators of the Week of Truth.

Shell Game Flyer and Week of Truth 2.0

A new flyer for the Shell Game campaign has been created for distribution. (See Jonathan Mark's blog for details) Please also see this blog entry to gather ideas for the next Week of Truth campaign: Week of Truth 2.0. Make a suggestion for an action, or a book or event to promote, and let's work together to decide what we want to promote, and how to promote it. (D/L Shell Game flyer at bottom of Week of Truth website, color or B&W.)