
German friend on Holocaust denial (Williams/Loose Change)

"How many people do you know personally who smelled the flesh of burnt people from a nearby concentration camp? I know dozens. Because I come from a place not so distance from Bergen-Belsen (ever heared of it?)."

Feb. 10:

The "Loose Change" crew have announced they are dropping out of Arizona due to Eric Williams's involvement. I'm not sure I would have done this if I were going in the first place, since Williams's sessions according to Arizona 9/11 Truth have been cancelled, and he was downgraded to a vendor. But maybe they know something about his continuing influence that I do not.

Not that I've made a public issue of it, but I wasn't too impressed with the way the conference was conceived as another "big tent" festival of tolerance for any idea associated with inside-job theory, even if it's been falsified or was ridiculous to begin with (like, unfortunately, much of Loose Change 1 and 2).

Nonetheless, the LC boys took a principled stance on the contemptible (and damaging) beliefs of certain people who seek to exploit 9/11 skepticism to advance their own perpetual agenda. Good for them.