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17 years 18 weeks
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Devon, PA
About Me

Mother of four sons, seven cats, one dog & one iguana. Married for 26 years. Husband is a former US Marine. Graduated from Ithaca College in '82, BS in Finance. Started questioning the Bush Administration's Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) in November, 2005. By May, 2006, fully awake and unable to go back to sleep, became active in trying to spread awareness . . . I consider myself a non-partisan, independent 9/11 Truth activist.

Since January, 2008, I've been showing 9/11 and other, what I call, "truth & awareness" films - weekly at first, but now monthly - at the Anthony Wayne Theater in Wayne, PA. The movies are always free, but I collect (voluntary) donations there for the FealGood Foundation, started by John Feal, an injured first responder himself, which benefits other sick and dying 9/11 first responders and their families.

I plan on doing this for as long as it takes . . .