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About Me

I am the wife of a dying 9/11 first responder. The daily struggel trying to get medical and financial help is a nightmare. As I watch my husband get sicker and sicker, I thank God everyday for people like John Feal and Anne Marie Bauman. The feal good foundation has helped my family numerous times. The helped give our 11 year old daughter christmas. My husband volunteered 28 days at ground zero. We have met many sick and dying responders over the last 2 1/2 years and we have become family. I promised my husband when he was first diagnosed with 9/11 related illness' that no matter what I would never give up fighting for him and all the other Heroes of 9/11. John Feal has become family to us and he deserves so much for putting all the sick and dying responders before himself. I thank God everyday that there are people like John Feal out there.

toms river, nj