9-11 Probers Leave Questions Behind
9-11 Probers Leave Questions Behind - Power Plays Blog
The private watchdog group formed by the former members of the 9-11 Commission is closing up shop. The announcement of its last media event—a December 5 briefing where the 9-11 Discourse Project "will issue its final assessment of progress on all 9/11 Commission recommendations"—came today. This is no surprise: The project (funded by entities like the Carnegie Corporation, the Drexel Family Foundation, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund) was intended to last for just a year after the commission expired in August 2004, its mission to "educate the public on the issue of terrorism and what can be done to make the country safer." But even if this end was long planned, it doesn't mean everyone thinks the job is finished.
"There has never been any explanation regarding the timelines between the FAA and NORAD about who notified whom and when," says Colleen Kelly, who lost her brother at the WTC (Kelly was speaking for herself but serves as the New York coordinator for Peaceful Tomorrows). "There was conflicting testimony between when (former FAA administrator) Jane Garvey appeared and (NORAD commander Gen. Ralph) Eberhardt did. Their timelines don't match. They're off by about 20 minutes."
"My real concern is that if this is wrapping up the work, what's next? Because obviously we're not at the truth. That seems pretty clearm" Kelly says. "My grave concern is, now what?"
"I think that we have to look at these alternative groups and these alternative people who are continuing to make films and bring their research to the public," says Regenhard. "Maybe people thought they were fringe groups or crazy but these are the only people left." She also hopes to set up an academic department for 9-11 studies somewhere in New York.
I couldn't agree more.
Thanks to Jon Gold for the heads up!