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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Action Item: demand New York Newsday give a fair hearing to 9/11 skepticism!

Thanks to Jon Gold for this. Sounds like we're having an impact, send in your emails everyone!!!


Your letter to letters@newsday.com can help tip the balance!

Read on... and forward freely!

"Your article would have been much more beneficial to your readers if it had examined the specific reasons that many ordinary, respectable people have questions about the cause and motives behind the tragedy."
- Ellis Baumel, Newsday reader, Nov 10

"It seems to me that we really haven't a choice in believing or disbelieving '9/11 conspiracy theories' in general, but rather which conspiracy theory to believe, including the 'official' conspiracy promulgated by the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission. Indeed, there was a conspiracy. I've yet to meet anyone who proposes that all four planes hijacked themselves that morning... I'm sorry to say the official version is presented to us by a most dubious source..."
- Dave Mc Laughlin, Newsday reader, Nov 9

Nov. 11, 2005:

Dear friends of truth and justice for the September crimes,

An enormous opportunity for the 9/11 skeptics' community to gain a fair hearing and a voice in a major daily paper may be within grasp!

Please take 10 minutes time to write a letter to New York Newsday today, urging them:

1) To fairly cover why people reject the official story (the "official conspiracy theory") of the Sept. 11 attacks, and to fairly detail the evidence of US government facilitation of 9/11 and the omissions of the 9/11 Commission;


2) To give voice to the millions of actual 9/11 skeptics, researchers and activists by interviewing and quoting at least some of them, rather than exclusively quoting their detractors and "debunkers."

Since millions of Americans do reject the official story, shouldn't that view have been reflected on Newsday's editorial pages at least once in the five years since Sept. 11, 2001?

This is an exciting moment, because Newsday has actually published two such letters this week - an indication that they are probably receiving dozens or hundreds of complaints from their readers.

Meanwhile, Rep. Curt Weldon has turned up the heat on the Able Danger issue, saying that the truth of 9/11 has been subjected to a cover-up of Watergate proportions.

A new peer-reviewed article by Brigham Young physicist Steve Jones claims that the Twin Tower collapses were the result of pre-planted explosives. The latter has received much attention in the Utah press.

(See 911Truth.org front page for coverage of Steve Jones and Able Danger.)

Now imagine if a major daily were to finally pick up these loose strings of 9/11! The whole ball of lies could unravel within a few weeks.

Please follow the link and read on for suggestions on how to get your letters published.