Bin Laden Staying Quiet; Experts Remain Wary
Although this is an "alternative" 9/11 news blog, some statements in this article are perfect examples of the propaganda we've all been subjected to since 9/11 that, oddly enough, seem to coincide with the drops in Bush's approval ratings.,2933,174635,00.html
Usama bin Laden has been publicly silent for the longest period since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The question for U.S. intelligence: What, if anything, does it mean?
"This is the first time things have changed in years. Messages have generally come in a consistent pattern, and now they are not," Venzke said. "It is likely that these changes in messaging by Al Qaeda (search) are the result of planning and a P.R. strategy, as opposed to their computer broke."
Bin Laden also could be plotting an attack on the United States and has made a strategic messaging decision to keep quiet in the lead-up to the attack, Venzke said.
"Al Qaeda's leader, Usama bin Laden, has called on Muslims to dedicate, their 'resources, sons and money to driving the infidels out of their lands,"' Bush said in Norfolk, Va., on Oct. 28. "The tactics of Al Qaeda and other Islamic extremists have been consistent for a quarter-century: They hit us, and they expect us to run."
Public confidence in Bush's handling of foreign policy and terrorism has steadily dropped since a high point after the Sept. 11 attacks. In the most recent AP-Ipsos polling, 46 percent approved of his handling of those issues.