Indira Singh Interviewed by Michael Corbin
Got a heads up tonight that Indira Singh recently did an interview with Michael Corbin on a radio show called 'A Closer Look' out of Colorado. I haven't had a chance to listen to the nearly 3 hour interview so I will just post the summary off of
1st and 2nd Hour:
Michael interviews Indira Singh, a whistleblower on 9/11. Indira links some very important facts in her investigation that leads to disturbing conclusions about who was behind 9/11 and why.
Here is a link to their download page:
(look for the October 28th show)
Apparently it is definitely worth checking out, and I will be sure to listen myself while I'm driving around this weekend.
Thanks kw for the heads up, and thanks to the Rigorous Intuition Board for pointing it out as well!