REOPEN911 Comes to New York
Date: Thurs. November 10th
Time: 7:30 pm (doors open at 7:00)
Location: St. Marks Church, 2nd Avenue & 10th Street
Jimmy Walters, founder of, who has been living in Europe for the past few years will be here in person. He is the philanthropist who has invested millions of his own money in full page newspaper ads exposing the official lies of 9/11 in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker and Newsweek. He is the man behind the campaign that has placed 30 second commercials on several cable TV stations showing the collapsing buildings at the World Trade Center and a computer-generated image of the plane that hit the Pentagon. He will give a presentation covering many issues including the following:
* Media silence surrounding 9/11
* The need for legal action by lobbying NY Attorney General Elliot Spitzer and NYC District Attorney Robert Morgenthau to act on the formal legal complaints that have been submitted
* EPA White House lies about the air quality in the aftermath of the attacks (see
* Mike Bloomberg's role in obstructing a true investigation
* His experience of the 9/11 Truth Movement in Europe
* His offer of $ 1 Million to anyone who can submit a full detailed mathematical analysis proving that explosives were not used to destroy the
* WTC Complex and Building 7 (see
His planning of "The New Pearl Harbor" event coming up in Tampa on Dec. 7th
Accompanying Jimmy will be Willie Rodriguez, the last person to survive the collapse of the towers. He has an amazing story (see below). Willie will describe hearing explosives prior to the collapse and his fruitless attempts to make this known to the 9/11 Commission, The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), as well as the FBI. He is living proof that our government and corporate media actively suppressed what really happened that day.