Site Updates - New Video Section!
I spent this evening running through and fixing up a few things.
New 9/11 Related Videos Section
I created a new video section for all the video clips that we have posted here since started. It is organized chronologically in groups. The list is very lengthy so I back-dated it to be off of the front page and next to the 9/11 Related Music topic. Be sure to check it out, and check out the new clip added tonight called '9/11 Family Members Call for Zelikow to Resign, March 2003'. Please check out this new addition and send in some feedback or other mix-tape type clips that should be added.
New feedback submission system
I had to setup new mailboxes for comments, news, etc. due to my mailboxes being flooded in the last week with 10x the junkmail I've seen before. The new feedback submission has been updated on the left panel under 'About'. Both myself and SBG will be able to keep up with the feedback now as well which should help a bit. If you frequently submit news please make sure you use the new feedback method and not the old email addresses.
Other minor fixes and changes:
- Fixed RSS feeds
- Moved all audio and video to new server (MP3 downloads all fixed)
- New music and video header links
- Fixed archive pages not updating properly