Al Francis's blog

Why I still question 911

Why did I become interested - and why have the questions never gone away?

Sometimes, many times, I have wished they had. If it only it could have been that simple. A return to innocence or maybe - because the collapses were such an assault on the senses - ignorant incredulity might be better words.

It would be so much easier if I could believe the official story that a few hijackers with boxcutters and some perfunctory flight training on single-engined planes could have hijacked four large airliners, silenced the crews, turned off transponders, and then expertly guided two of them into the Twin Towers. But I have since learned from expert and highly experienced pilots that hitting a tall building at speed is just not that easy. One hit might have been lucky, but two?

What am I to make of this from an experienced pilot?