UndoBush's blog

a soon-to-be published story to undo all of Bush's support

I'm on the verge of having this story published that is set in the context of a teacher discussing with his students what an inarguable nightmare Bush and his enabling Republicans are. Most of the students are portrayed by people of notoriety so it has a lot of humor despite how infuriating it is. I'm sending it out to like-minded people to help get the buzz going. Hopefully the following samples of praise I've received for it, along with an excerpt, will intrigue you enough to put this on the top of your to-do list. You can access it from my yahoo group UndoBush where the preface and corresponding political cartoon are: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/UndoBush/ http://www.geocities.com/hail111mary/The_Switch.doc

"I was blown away by how brilliant it is." --Dell Long, B.B. King's former PR manager

"Found the message worth the time it took to read. Its references are most impressive. And the teacher and use of well known folk as students worked. [This is coming from a reader who] is a 79+ year old vet of WWII and a former college journalism and political science teacher. I was a senior staffer and speech writer to a governor, research assistant to a U.S. Senator and personal staff consultant to state-wide office holder. You made me feel guilty for not paying closer attention to Clark in 04!" --Jim E. Gregg