Gu3rr1lla's blog
Jim Corr, from the Irish band The Corrs, speaks about the Lisbon Treaty, New World Order, and 9/11 on Irish radio!
Jim Corr on Irish radio station The Last Word on TodayFM speaking about 9/11 being an inside job! He is the guitarist for Irish fold band The Corrs who have sold over 60 million albums worldwide!
End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty (Documentary)
End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty by We Are Change Ireland
We set out to make a video about the pros and cons of the Lisbon Treaty and found out to our horror the lies, manipulations and deceit ... all » behind the EU. From MEPs, legal experts and EU researches the true nature of the EU unfolded, how it really operates from behind closed doors and away from prying eyes. We discovered the massive power grab away from citizens and nations to the elites that is being proposed in this treaty. Most shocking of all was how our elected representatives are willingly handing us over to this emerging Totalitarian Superstate by deception , propaganda and outright lies.
World General Strike April 15th
The most important video on the internet
On April 15, 2008...
General Strike, do not work, go to school or buy gasoline or anything else, withdraw most of your money from your bank, cancel your cable TV propaganda machine. Protest the Federal Reserve, big media propaganda and your enslavement!
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