David Ray Griffin radio interview w/Rich Lang


Friday, May 18th, 2-3pm Pacific Time: "What Happened on 9/11? The Church Under Empire"

My guest is Dr. David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Christian Faith and the Truth of 9/11, and Debunking the Debunkers.

David and I will be discussing the strange events around 9/11 including his research that has led him to believe that 9/11 was an "inside job." Lather that evening at TOWN HALL, Griffin will give a public talk. He will also preach at Trinity UMC (6512 23rd Ave. NW www.tumseattle.org) on Sunday May 20th at 10:30 am. His sermon: "Confronting Demonic Powers."

The interesting thing about Griffin is that he is a noted and respected Process Theologian who has, in the past, also researched and written extensively about the problem of evil.