Guns and Butter - Francis Boyle: Biowarfare and the Emergence of Police State America

Apologies for the late post. Please listen to the archive.
Also note these recent related stories here on 911blogger and on George Washington's excellent blog:
Holt wants hearings on FBI anthrax investigation

Guns & Butter

Wednesday, March 28, 1:00pm

Biowarfare and the Emergence of Police State America

Guns & Butter
Wednesday, March 28, 2007, 1:00pm

Interview with author and professor of international law, Dr. Francis Boyle. The history of biological warfare development and the Biological Weapons Convention; forced anthrax inoculations of the military; anthrax attacks on congress and the resultant Patriot legislation setting up a police state; FBI agent Marion "Spike" Bowman's thwarting of FBI investigations into both Zacarias Moussoui and the anthrax attacks on congress; the DNC's prevention of impeachment proceedings against Bush and others in his administration for high crimes and misdemeanors.

KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley 1pm PST, and streaming and archived at