Robert Poirier, Youssef Hmimssa and the Attacks of September 11, 2001

Robert Poirier, Youssef Hmimssa and the Attacks of September 11, 2001

Who is Robert Hial Poirier and how is he related to the September 11th attacks?

Phone call to the Department of Homeland Security, January 27, 2011 -

Mp3 audio file DHS call download link -

Robert Piorier was incarcerated in Milan Michigan with a man named Youssef Hmimssa who happened to be the subject of a Nation-Wide manhunt shortly after 911 (Sept. 11th, 2001).

When Mr. Poirier notified the guards at Milan Michigan that the subject of a televised Nationwide manhunt was already in custody and had been for at least three days prior to Sept. 11th 2001, he was told to shut up! Mr. Poirier did not shut up and called his Mother and told her to contact the FBI directly because the guards at Milan were not cooperating in bringing this information forward in the 911 investigation and "Alleged" manhunt of Youssef Hmimssa that followed Sept. 11th.

Robert Piorier has been trying to inform the authorities of this information since September 11, 2001 and till this day has been ignored by the agencies who are sworn to protect us.


You Can't Handle The Truth!; Crimes Leading up to 911
Originally posted by Robert H. Poirier on pumpitout proboards forum (2007)
reposted on zetaboards forum Oct 27 2008, 09:02 PM

Who is Robert Hial Poirier and how is he related to the september 11th attacks on the World Trade Center?

Born August 17th 1958 in International Falls Minnesota and Brother of Catherine (Katie) Poirier.

Led a Reletively Dull life until he was employed at Flint Ink, Inc. located at 245 east Marie in West St. Paul, MN in 1992.

Shortly after the Rodney King Riots, Mr Poirier began getting Death threats from fellow employees of Flint Ink because he had helped an African American get a job at Flint Ink on the day of the riots.

After two attempts on Mr Poirier’s life by fellow employees, Robert was Fired from Flint Ink because he could no longer work there under such stressfull conditions. To make matters worse, Flint Ink Management was caught falsifying Insurance records related to Mr Poirier’s harassment case against the Corporation and West St. Paul Police refused to investigate Mr. Poirier’s reports of harassment, threats and attempted murder by Flint Ink Employees.

In 1996, Police reports were made by Mr. Poirier to the St. Paul Police Dept., the West St. Paul Police Dept and the East St. Paul Police regarding two separate Stalking Incidents in which two of Mr Poirier’s relatives were contacted under false pretenses to obtain the name of Mr. Poirier’s sister and to get his new home address. One reletive gave the caller the name of Mr. Poirier’s sister as being “Katie Poirier”. The other relative gave the caller his home address. Within one week of the phone calls, two Flint Ink employees were seen and reported outside of Mr. Poirier’s new home on two separate days. They did not make contact with Mr. Poirier as his new home was in a very “Public” area which would have many witnesses to any crime being committed.

This was just a prelude to Mr. Poirier’s life going from bad to much, much worse…

In May of 1999, Mr. Poirier contacted the President of Flint Ink, Inc. and explained to him that he was about to make his criminal case against Flint Ink public information. He then contacted the office of newly ellected Governor Jesse Ventura and warned them that Flint Ink would attempt another crime against him or his family very soon as they had always done in the past when Mr. Poirier reported their crimes.

Mr. Poirier was ignored by the Governor and within two weeks of his warning, the Katie Poirier kidnapping and murder occurred here in Minnesota. The murder just happened to be committed by a man named Donald Blom who had been working at the Minneapolis Veteran’s Home were Mr. Poirier’s wife had been interning at. This information as well as Donald Blom’s alleged Flint Ink connection was ignored by Police. Any connection to Flint Ink will not be made public here because the West St. Paul Police Dept. under the Authority of Sheriff Terry Cook refused to allow the Beureau of Criminal Apprehension (B.C.A.) to investigate any aspect of the Katie Poirier Murder case in West St. Paul in relation to Flint Ink, Inc. This murder case quickly became the single largest murder case in Minnesota history. The Katie Poirier who was murdered however had no relation to Robert Poirier and no relation was ever indicated to Police by Mr Poirier or anyone else until the official testimony of Carton County Sheriff Dave Seboe was perjured under oath by F.B.I. Special agent Robert G. Schmitz in Ann Arbor Michigan in order to have Robert Poirier arrested under false pretenses and keep him quiet.

Is this sound hard to believe, you can check case # 00:81007 for the United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan’s Warrant for Arrest of Robert H. Poirier and compare the sworn statement of Robert G. Schmitz with the statement on file at the Beureau of Criminal Apprehension made by Carlton County Sheriff Dave Seboe concerning Mr. Poirier.

It appears that Robert G. Schmitz not only perjured the testimony of Sheriff Seboe, but also had the telephone transcript between Mr Poirier and Deputy Richard Boham of the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office in Michigan altered and the Police report to Officer Syring in East St. Paul reworded to make it look as though Mr. Poirier thought the Murdered Katie Poirier was his sister thereby making him look like a Nuttcase and a Danger to society and then had him arrested as being “Armed and Dangerous”. The only truth in that being, Mr. Poirier has two arm’s and is Dangerous because he has been telling the truth!

Why would an Ann Arbor F.B.I. agent do such a thing? Ann Arbor was the World Headquarters of Flint Ink, Inc. at the time and Mr. Poirier was once again making his case against Flint Ink very Public when he was arrested could be one obvious reason although there may be others as well.

Like what and where is the September 11th, 2001 connection you might ask?

In the year 2000, Robert H. Poirier sent some very sensitive information regarding not only his case against Flint Ink, Inc, but also regarding the Katie Poirier Murder Investigation to the Dept. of Justice in Washington D.C..

The Information was on a CD-ROM and was of a nature that could have had several people killed if it had been disseminated publicly!

The CD-Rom was returned to Mr. Poirier to his “Locked Steel Mailbox” with a letter stating that the Dept. of Justice would not investigate any of the information Mr. Poirier might have regarding Flint Ink, Inc.

Mr. Poirier photographed and documented for several reporters that the package containing this CD had been cut open and retaped “Prior” to being delivered to his “Locked Steel Mailbox”

What does it mean regarding Sept 11th you might ask?

1. Mr. Poirier now had a documented problem with a Huge International Corporation.
2. Mr. Poirier now had a problem with the Federal Government (FBI & Dept of Justice)
3. Mr. Poirier now had a problem with the United States Postal Service
4. Mr. Poirier was about to be sentenced on Sept 11th, 2001 to a crime he did not commit
5. Mr. Poirier was incarcerated with Youssef Hmimssa in Milan Michigan

Your still a bit confused so lets clarify the facts>

Mr. Poirer had a legitimate grudge against the same three “Symbols of Government and business who were attacked on or shortly after Sept 11th, 2001 and was incarcerated with a man named Youssef Hmimssa who happened to be the subject of a Nation-Wide manhunt shortly after 911 (Sept. 11th, 2001)

When Mr. Poirier notified the guards at Milan Michigan that the subject of a televised Nationwide manhunt was already in custody and had been for at least three days prior to Sept. 11th 2001, he was told to shut up!

Mr. Poirier did not shut up and called his Mother (Barbera Wood) and told her to contact the FBI directly because the guards at Milan were not cooperating in bringing this information forward in the 911 investigation and “Alleged” manhunt of Youssef Hmimssa that followed Sept. 11th.

If you still don’t understand what this means, that is because YOU are the enemy and YOU are a co-conspirator to the September 11th attacks on the world trade center!

Everyone else Understands!

I Swear that everything that I personally put in this document to true (except for Typo’s) and may be used in ANY

Legitimate Court of Law or War Crimes Tribunal in ANY Country on Earth!

Robert Hial Poirier
Maplewood, MN

For reference puposes>

Flint Ink, Inc has been renamed > FLINT GROUP

O.C.A.W. Union at Flint Ink has been disbanded and Union members were brought into a Union called P.A.C.E.


Audio clip from Alex Jones show
(February 3, 2011)

Guest Kurt Haskell discusses the case of the "Underwear Bomber" Suspected Detroit underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to stand trial in October 2011.

Abdulmutallab faces life in prison if convicted. He has been in custody at a federal prison in Milan, Michigan for the past13 months... more here -

Mp3 download link (10mb, 25min,39sec.) -



Phone call to FBI New York (Terrorism Task Force)
February 3, 2011

Concerning Robert Poirier's first hand information about Youssef Hmimssa incarcertated in Milan Michigan before and during the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Also informing Detective "Castio (sp)" of the Joint Senate/ Congressional inquiry which shows Saudi involvement and Prince Bandar funnelling money to the terrorists.

As well as the latest information put out by Sibel Edmonds (Tuesday, 1. February 2011) -

Mp3 download link FBI phone call -



Phone call to CSIS (Canadian Secret Intelligence Service)
February 3, 2011

Mp3 download link CSIS phone call -



