Statement From Sibel Edmonds Regarding Patty Casazza And Bob McIlvaine's Statements

On 11/3/2007 at the "9/11 Symposium" in West Hartford, CT, 9/11 family members Patty Casazza, and Bob McIlvaine took part in a Q&A session regarding the 9/11 Commission, and their findings. Part of the discussion focused on FBI Whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds. Here is part of what Patty said regarding Sibel:

"Sibel came to, actually, the four widows, and asked us if she could get a hearing with the Commission because nobody of the Commission was responding to her requests to testify. And part of the problem with testifying, um… as someone who’s working for one of the agencies, is that, they have to be careful with state secrets, what they reveal. And, in order to be a whistle-blower, and not be retaliated against, most whistle-blowers need to be subpoenaed, cause then their co-workers, and those who might retaliate against them, know that under penalty of, ya know, law, they could be… um… ya know, accused of being traitors and what not, and put in jail, or executed. So, most whistle-blowers were… did not come forward on the basis of what happened to Sibel Edmonds. Um, Sibel brought us many whistle-blowers, and I submitted them personally to Governor Kean, who was the Chairman of the Commission. And I said, “these people are not being subpoenaed. They will not come before the Commission voluntarily unless they are subpoenaed.” And, he promised me… to my face that “every whistle-blower would be… indeed heard.” And, most were not heard. Sibel was only heard because we dragged her in and surprised the Commission on one of the days we were meeting with them… that we had her with us. Um, we met other whistle-blowers on the side of the road in Maryland, ya know, to hear what they could tell us. None of them revealed state secrets to us by the way (laughs)… um, but, they had information… and basically, the Government knew… ya know, other than the exact moment… they knew the date, and the method of which the attacks were supposed to come. (pauses) And none of this made it to mainstream media. None of it made it into the Commission. And yet, again, all of your Representatives, on the day that the Commission book came out, were on their pulpits saying, “What a fabulous job this Commission has done. A real service to this nation.” And it was anything but a service. It was a complete fabrication."

Sibel has issued a statement for Patty, and Bob, and for everyone else:

I salute Patty Casazza; for not giving up. You see, the government counts on it: most people-whether whistleblowers, 9/11 family members, or activists-can not and will not endure the length of this journey; they get exhausted and let the pessimism and hopelessness set in. Foot-Dragging quasi investigations mounting to 'zilch,' tedious lengthy court cases depleting the financial resources of whistleblowers and alike, classification-gag orders & secrecy, hushing and manipulating the MSM puppets...These roadblocks are all designed for one purpose: discourage the most and have them give up. Just look around you; how many whistleblowers are still in the fight? How many new whistleblowers are joining the fight? How many 9/11 family members are pushing for answers to those questions that were never answered? As you see, not many, and, this is exactly what 'they' wanted to achieve.

I don't hold myself above those I mentioned above. In the past 6 years, I too, many times in fact, go through those days, time periods, when I think, 'what's the point? It's hopeless, and there's no where else left to pursue...' But our founding fathers phrased it appropriately: 'Eternal Vigilance.' That's what it takes, and I am proud of Patty and Bob for doing just that.



Thank you Sibel, Patty, and Bob for your "Eternal Vigilance."

God bless

Sibel, Patty, Bob and the other whistleblowers!

Eternal Vigilance is the

Eternal Vigilance is the only way. Whistle Blowers are already heroes but we Americans concerned with justice and the American way of life ask that they become super heroes. We will wear these enablers of mass murder down and burrow into their consciousness. We'll pry open their eyes to the illusion of the life they are living, that their life experience in secrecy is nothing but shadow on cave wall and that real life is outside in the sunlight where the rest of us are. If any of the Whistle Blowers are in NYC and would like a venue to talk, We Are Change Television is coming and we'd be happy to hear what they have to say. We are creating a half hour talk show to interview Truth activists along with incorporating other interesting aspects of Truth.

Eternal vigilance!

Eternal vigilance in pursuit of justice and liberty!

"The important thing is to not stop questioning" - Einstein
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" - Einstein
Many hands make light work!
RRREMA=realize, recognize, reconcile, educate, motivate, activate

"Hear, Hear!"

"Hear, Hear!"

"can not and will not...

endure the length of this journey; they get exhausted and let the pessimism and hopelessness set in."

We MUST succeed before that happens. We MUST. Something BIG has got to happen, and it has to happen soon. I can't keep this pace up forever, and I know others can't either.

Surely there must be someone in this country that is willing to speak out that can make the television talk. As Donna Marsh O'Connor said, "we need a consistent message to go through this country, like an electric shock, and the way Americans understand something absolutely... is they see it ON TV. You want to know how to get to America, GET ON THE DAMN VIEW!"

Martin Sheen, Barbara Streisand, Penny Marshall, etc... I'm looking in your direction.

Who Is? Archives

Sibel is right... MSM puppets are manipulated

and controlled and will not provide a forum for her to break her gag orders. It is imperative that Sibel spill the beans somewhere else and as soon as possible.

After having bravely announced her willingness to defy these orders, it might not be wise to sit on her information. Get it out now! Surely, Democracy Now!, Air America, DailyKos, Huffington Post and others will jump on the bandwagon in covering her bombshells. Then and only then, might there be a chance of someone in the the MSM taking her on.

If she does have MSM offers now, I apologize. I would love that to be the case! Just concerned.

I agree...

After having bravely announced her willingness to defy these orders, it might not be wise to sit on her information.

I agree. By promising to speak out, she is making herself a target. If I was her, I would hire a team of bodyguards.

Sibel .....

Really needs to confess all and have it on video tape .Intrusted to a few very close friends.

9/11 Cover-up exposed

"um, but, they had information… and basically, the Government knew… ya know, other than the exact moment… they knew the date, and the method of which the attacks were supposed to come. (pauses) And none of this made it to mainstream media. None of it made it into the Commission. And yet, again, all of your Representatives, on the day that the Commission book came out, were on their pulpits saying, “What a fabulous job this Commission has done. A real service to this nation.” And it was anything but a service. It was a complete fabrication."

Incredible! Headline News

This is the type of human centered news that has potential to blow the lid off public apathy!

Superb work, Jon and all.