Why The Media Embraced '911 Truth' By Henry Makow PhD

Makow writes this as an imaginary meeting of the international bankers with Edward Bernays, father of modern psyops.

"At the risk of sounding optimistic, the mainstream coverage of the 9-11 Truth Movement may be a sign that we will not have an Iran attack and another false-flag terrorist event soon. I think the bankers are scared that they are losing control of the American mind. Dubya has been very useful to them but it's time for him to take the rap and go.

The only danger is that he and Cheney will do something desperate to hold on to power. Without the cooperation of the media, they can't succeed. Their term ends in two years anyway. I think they'll take their money and exit gracefully." -- Makow

Why The Media
Embraced '911 Truth'
By Henry Makow PhD


Why The Media Embraced '911 Truth'
By Henry Makow PhD

Last week TIME Magazine and "The Washington Post" ran almost balanced and sympathetic stories about "the 9-11 Truth Movement."

These publications define reality for millions of unsuspecting Americans. Why would they legitimize a conspiracy view that implicates their owners, the Illuminati central bankers? Why would they publicize discrepancies that they have been covering up for five years?

Imagine you're in a meeting with the central bankers who control the American mass media and government. You're the successor of PR whiz Edward Bernays.

"Edward," they say, "the matrix is starting to unravel. A third of Americans believe their government was responsible for 9-11. Damn the Internet! What are we going to do?"

If I were Bernays, I would reply: "Depends if you're planning another false flag terrorist event, martial law and an attack on Iran. If so, I would continue to ignore and marginalize this movement. You don't want to give them a huge boost in credibility at this time."

"Eddie," they reply, "it's too late for all that nasty stuff. Nobody that counts believes in the terror threat any more. Israel got a bloody nose in Lebanon and can't attack Iran. The military has its hands full in Iraq. The generals are in revolt. Plus the Internet is full of stories blaming the Mossad and Israel. Anti-Semitism is on the rise. "

"Don't panic boys,"I tell them. "I have the answer. Listen carefully. What we need is a "Time-Out" to restore everybody's faith in the system. We need a return to the Democratic Party, a return to the sanity of a Carter or a Clinton; a break from those mean ugly corrupt Republicans."

"How do we do that?" the bankers ask.

"Think Daniel Ellsberg and "The Pentagon Papers." Think Michael Moore and "Fahrenheit 911" We need to shift responsibility for 9-11 onto Dubya's shoulders and away from Silverstein and the Mossad, the neo-cons and us. We need to reposition the 9-11 Truth-ers in the mold of the 1960's anti-war movement and focus everyone on hating the 'government.'Then we'll elect Democrats in November and [New Mexico Governor]Bill Richardson, or someone like him, in 2008. It will be a kinder gentler fascism for a while. It'll give us time to plan our next step."

"Where do we begin?"

"Why not do a TIME cover story on those kids that made the Internet movie "Loose Change"? They don't mention the dancing laughing Mossad agents who were arrested 'documenting the event' with explosives in their van, do they? Portray the kids as participating in the "great American tradition of self reliance and non conformist anti authoritarian dissent. They're fighting the power." [exact words TIME uses] Maybe we could bring Bob Dylan in on this."

"Eddie, this is dangerous. That film shows that Larry [Silverstein] ordered the demolition of WTC 7 the same day. Are Americans so stupid to believe that this 47-floor building was wired for demolition, and WTC1 and WTC-2 weren't? Surely they'll figure out that all three were demolished and a plane was supposed to hit WTC-7. We'll all be hung for mass murder."

"Guys. Don't worry. The people believe what they're told not common sense or their own eyes. We won't mention WTC-7 in the articles. We'll just focus on a couple of points and have our paid flunkies, I mean 'experts' refute them. The important thing is to emphasize that the 'government' did this. It was an "inside job." Dubya will take the fall in the public's mind."

"Is one story enough?"

"Put another one in "The Washington Post" focused on David Ray Griffin. Call it something like "The Disbelievers."

Mention the Mossad a couple of times in passing but not the German Intelligence (BND) Report that says the Mossad organized the whole event (with Bush's foreknowledge.) It'll be our experts and against theirs and the people won't know what to think. They'll blame Dubya and think the media is objective and doing its job."


At the risk of sounding optimistic, the mainstream coverage of the 9-11 Truth Movement may be a sign that we will not have an Iran attack and another false-flag terrorist event soon. I think the bankers are scared that they are losing control of the American mind. Dubya has been very useful to them but it's time for him to take the rap and go.

The only danger is that he and Cheney will do something desperate to hold on to power. Without the cooperation of the media, they can't succeed. Their term ends in two years anyway. I think they'll take their money and exit gracefully.

For once, I am making a prediction that I hope will be correct!


Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site www.savethemales.ca He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com

I couldn't agree more

and think this calls for further attention.

Just be aware

I see the site on there of Jeff Rense. Be carefull about what you take from his site; If there is anything I learned about Rense, He is not known for his honesty.
It is established from more than one source that Jeff’s father, Arthur Rense, formerly a sportswriter and sometime poet, also landed a job at Douglas Aircraft doing PR. How does a poet and sports writer qualify for work as a public relations director at Douglas Aircraft, one of the biggies of the Military Industrial Complex?Arthur Rense had been director of public relations for the Summa Corporation, owned by Howard R. Hughes, until he retired in 1985. He had been public relations director for the missiles and space systems division of Douglas Aircraft Company.
Summa Corp. is the financial umbrella under which most of (Howard)Hughes' worth is contained. . . .Most recently, another Summa "asset" hit the news: the $350 million Hughes Glomar Explorer vessel that Hughes built at the behest (and the expense of) the Central Intelligence Agency .