GovernmentLies's blog

Time To Fight Back Against Online Disinfo Agents and Trolls

Online saboteurs threaten to edit 9/11 truth movement out of existence

Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Saturday, July 28, 2007

You've heard of the Digg Bury Brigade and you've read countless comments from ill-informed Neo-Cons who engage in ad hominem attacks and smear jobs, but there's a new menace that threatens to hamstring the 9/11 truth movement and it needs to be confronted now - Wikipedia trolls who have initiated an organized campaign to deep-six our information from the Internet.

Whether they be CENTCOM disinfo government shills or just attention seeking morons, there's a battle in cyberspace for the hearts and minds and we need to act now to fight back against these saboteurs. We are declaring a cyber war on Internet trolls.

Meet Morton Devonshire, a Wikipedia troll that spends most of his sad little life deleting and vandalizing pages on the popular public encyclopedia website about the 9/11 truth movement and other related subjects.

New Evidence Clearly Indicates Pat Tillman Was Executed

Army medical examiners concluded Tillman was shot three times in the head from just 10 yards away, no evidence of "friendly fire" damage at scene, Army attorneys congratulated each other on cover-up, Wesley Clark concludes "orders came from the very top" to murder pro-football star because he was about to become an anti-war political icon

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, July 27, 2007

Astounding new details surrounding the death of Pat Tillman clearly indicate that top brass decided to execute the former pro football star in cold blood to prevent him from returning home and becoming an anti-war icon.

These same criminals then engaged in a sophisticated conspiracy to create a phony "friendly fire" cover story.

Shocking new facts emerged about the case last night but were bizarrely underplayed by the Associated Press under nondescript headlines like 'New Details on Tillman's Death' - a complete disservice to the horrific implications that the new evidence carries.

Martial Law Threat is Real: Lucky that the Military is Breaking Down

Dave Lindorff
Friday, July 27, 2007

The looming collapse of the US military in Iraq, of which a number of generals and former generals, including former Chief of Staff Colin Powell, have warned, is happening none too soon, as it may be the best hope for preventing military rule here at home.

From the looks of things, the Bush/Cheney regime has been working assiduously to pave the way for a declaration of military rule, such that at this point it really lacks only the pretext to trigger a suspension of Constitutional government. They have done this with the active support of Democrats in Congress, though most of the heavy lifting was done by the last, Republican-led Congress.

The Senate's Blank Check for War on Iran

The Senate's Blank Check for War on Iran

Chris Floyd
Saturday, July 14, 2007

As you may know – unless you rely on the corporate media for your news, of course – yesterday the U.S. Senate unanimously declared that Iran was committing acts of war against the United States: a 97-0 vote to give George W. Bush a clear and unmistakable casus belli for attacking Iran whenever Dick Cheney tells him to.

The bipartisan Senate resolution – the brainchild (or rather the bilechild) of Fightin' Joe Lieberman – affirmed as official fact all of the specious, unproven, ever-changing allegations of direct Iranian involvement in attacks on the American forces now occupying Iraq. The Senators appear to have relied heavily on the recent New York Times story by Michael Gordon that stovepiped unchallenged Pentagon spin directly onto the paper's front page. As Firedoglake points out, John McCain cited the heavily criticized story on the Senate floor as he cast his vote.

Bush Administration Prays For More Dead Americans

Bush Administration Prays For More Dead Americans
Officials don't "worry" about terror, they crave it to save doomed foreign policy and are actively bankrolling Al-Qaeda in Iran

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

'Officials worry of summer terror attack' reads an Associated Press headline today as Americans are served up their weekly dose of bellicose fearmongering.

But officials don't worry about another attack, they crave one - to save a doomed foreign policy and bolster approval ratings that have now slumped to an all time low.

This is not the conclusion of paranoid tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, but a viewpoint held by major University foreign policy analysts like Lt.-Col. Doug Delaney, chair of the war studies program at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, who recently told the Toronto Star that "The key to bolstering Western resolve is another terrorist attack like 9/11 or the London transit bombings of two years ago."