liberte's blog

The Backfire Effect

On 9/11 Truth Awakening I posted a blog about "The Backfire Effect" which I have seen referenced in a few other places.  Here are some excerpts.

There is an interesting article: “The Backfire Effect“, by David McRaney, cross-posted on OpEdNews with the subtitle: Why Showing People the Truth Sometimes Makes Them Believe BS Even More.  This is interesting not just because of the article, but the reaction in comments that follow.

It starts out well enough, citing a recent study previously mentioned in this blog, conveniently summarized:

The Misconception: When your beliefs are challenged with facts, you alter your opinions and incorporate the new information into your thinking.

The Truth: When your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your beliefs get stronger.

James Douglass speaking tour: "JFK, Obama, and the Unspeakable"

James W. Douglass, author of "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters" (Orbis, 2008), will be on a speaking tour in the Northeastern US, Sept 30 - Oct 6. This superbly documented book is perhaps the most important among hundreds written on the JFK assassination.  Douglass is a highly esteemed and well-published author, professor, Catholic theologian, co-founder of Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth, and a lifelong antiwar activist and nuclear disarmament advocate.

Douglass is under contract with Orbis Books (in conjunction with Simon & Schuster) for publication of a trilogy, on the political assassinations of the 1960's, including those of JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In his powerful new book, JFK and the Unspeakable:  Why He Died and Why It Matters, Douglass explores JFK's transformation from a conventional Cold Warrior to someone who was determined to pull the world back from the brink of apocalypse -- a transformation undertaken by JFK, Douglass writes, which then led, inexorably, to his execution, by those determined to nullify, and even exterminate his vision.  Only by unmasking those forces of what is so clearly "Unspeakable," he argues, can we possibly free ourselves, and our country, so that we may yet pursue a global vision of peace, justice and meaningful democracy for all.

James and his wife Shelley were co-founders of the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in 1977, inspired by opposition to the Trident Nuclear Submarine Base near Seattle, Wash.; and, of Mary’s House, a Catholic Worker hospitality house in downtown Birmingham, Alabama. 

Six lecture/presentations in New England, starting Thursday, Sept. 30th until Tuesday, Oct. 5th; concluding with a seventh in Philadelphia, Pa., on Wednesday, Oct. 6th:

September30       Portland, Maine
October 1         Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 2         Leverett, Massachusetts
October 3         Weston, Vermont
October 4         New Britain, Connecticut
October 5         Worcester, Massachusetts
October 6         Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

9/11 Physics Truth

I started work on the 9/11 Physics Truth site last spring and finally got around to cleaning it up enough for release.

My intention is to present easy to read physics arguments that anyone can quickly understand and share with others, thus spreading the word and waking up more people. While we need to continue doing solid scientific research and presenting arguments that prove our case, we also need the support of many more people. The science is not that difficult for most people to understand, but we do need to do a better job of presenting it for easy understanding.

The site is a wiki, and I am hoping to get help from others to add comments, correct any misunderstandings I may have, create more graphics and videos, and fill in more of the detailed arguments, as well as address many other physics-related issues.