
Zogby 9/11 poll receives no press

A zogby poll released on August 30th 2004 states:

"Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of Impending 9-11 Attacks and “Consciously Failed” To Act; 66% Call For New Probe of Unanswered Questions by Congress or New York’s Attorney General, New Zogby International Poll Reveals"


zogby is referrenced alot in political polls, but for some reason the only mention i could even find of this poll in the mainstream media was in an article by the washington post which you can find here.

9/11 Research coming to a head

i started researching 9/11 around july 1st of this year.. as of today that makes almost 3 months of research i have put into 9/11.. at this point all of my research has led me to a beleif that most americans would write off in a heart beat, but anyone who does the research will reach the same opinion.. if you think im wrong, then take a moment and ask how much you really know about 9/11.

i beleive the bush administration intentionally allowed 9/11 to occur, and should be investigated by a truely independent 9/11 commission.

9/11 was a catalyst, much like pearl harbor, to bring america together to fight the war on terror. i know that what i say is inconceivable to the average american, but i beleive i can virtually prove it.

9/11 Research

I want to take a second to suggest that everyone take a second to think about 9/11. We all said we would never forget, stay true to that, keep an eye on what is being said about 9/11, what is happening because of it.

Take a moment every once and a while and go to google's news site and search for 9/11..

google news